There is two triggers on XBOX and Playstation controlers but no one on a keybord.
The left trigger and right trigger are the buttons at the top of the controller that you pull with you fingers
It is the button on the top left, sometimes called the bumper, it above the left trigger
For the PC, right click to place a block. For the Xbox 360, you hit left trigger on the controller. For the iPod Touch and the iPhone, you tap the screen when facing a block.
Left mouse button.
A button named LT(Left Trigger) does not actually exist on a PS3 controller. The closest thing to LT is L2. It is the second button down on the left back side of the controller.
The button on top of the left trigger
It is the left 'shoulder' button, L1.
Left Trigger... On Xbox360 it is, anyway.
The left trigger and right trigger are the buttons at the top of the controller that you pull with you fingers
left mouse button
If I am not mistaken, L3 is clicking down the left analog stick
It is the button on the top left, sometimes called the bumper, it above the left trigger
There are four triggers on an Xbox360 controller: Left and Right triggers, and Left and Right trigger buttons. LT and RT stand for Left and Right trigger and there stationed on top of the controller in front of the LB and RB buttons. LB and RB stand for Left Button and Right Button (you can also call it Left Back and Right back) and are stationed behind the LT and RT buttons.
For the PC, right click to place a block. For the Xbox 360, you hit left trigger on the controller. For the iPod Touch and the iPhone, you tap the screen when facing a block.
Left mouse button.
In order to reload in RE5 (provided that you are using the default controls) you must hold down Left Trigger and press A button
The default Aim Down Sights button on Xbox 360 and PS3 is the Left Trigger.