A button named LT(Left Trigger) does not actually exist on a PS3 controller. The closest thing to LT is L2. It is the second button down on the left back side of the controller.
There is no a button on the ps3 controller. I think you are referring to the x button.
there is no b button on a ps3 controller
The button is on your router
It is not L3 on ps3
The PS3 does not have a AOSS button
in xbox:you press the rt and lt button in ps3:you press the r2 and l2 button wii:shake both controlers
A ps3 does not have a AOSS button the AOSS button is on your wireless routerThe button if available would be on your router and not the PS3 which does not have a router or the router's AOSS button
There is no a button on the ps3 controller. I think you are referring to the x button.
The button is on the router and not the PS3
there is no b button on a ps3 controller
The AOSS button is located on the back of the PS3 . The button is small and red and is located right above the two Ethernet ports.
The button is on your router
It is not L3 on ps3
pres the PS button (button in middle)
The PS3 does not have a AOSS button
There is no WiFi button. That is on the router