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She's the gym leader in Olivine City, but If she's not there, then she's still in the lighthouse. Just go up to the 3rd Floor and when you come off the ladder, on the right wall there's a window that you can walk through. Just go through and your done

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Q: Where is jasmine in pokemon soulsilver?
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How do you get medicine for Jasmine in Pokemon SoulSilver?

I have HeartGold and in Cianwood theres a store there and go in and he'll give you the SuperPotion or something like that. Give it to Jasmine and then Ampharos will light up.Pokemon soul silver the Pokemon in the Olivine City Lighthouse Needs medicine, you can get the medicine in the Cianwood City and you get it in the pharmancy next to the medical center

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you have to beat jasmine ,beat team rocket executive petrel and ariana and all the electrode that are powering rthe radio transmission then go in to the gym and beat him

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You can't catch bastiodon in Pokemon soulsilver.

Where can you legally download Pokemon SoulSilver?

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Where do you get Jasmine's Phone Number in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?

In Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, you get Jasmine's Phone Number by going into the café in Olivine City any day between 1 PM and 2 PM. Talk to her there and she'll add her number to your Pokégear.You can get her number by going to Olivine City diner any day between 13:00-14:00