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yo cant get it BUT you can go to the man in the way from hearthome to pastoria and he will teach it to a Pokemon for shards.

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Q: Where is ice punch in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?
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Where do you get ice punch in Pokemon Diamond?

You can't, you can only get ice punch in platinum but a move tutor near snow point city.

What are the best moves to teach regigigas?

Confuse Ray Fire Punch Ice Punch Knock Off Thunderpunch Dizzy Punch (Platinum) Foresight (Platinum) Mega Punch (Diamond & Pearl) Stomp (Diamond & Pearl) Revenge (Platinum) Superpower (Diamond and Pearl) Zen Headbutt Crush Grip Giga Impact

Fire punch in Pokemon Pearl?

beat the elite four 100 times to get fire, ice, and thunder punch all at once

Where do you get ice fire and thunder punch in pearl?

Fighting/Pshychic Pokemon can learn it. Medicham learns them.

Where are the ice ruins on Pokemon platinum?

They are in Snowpoint City like in Diamond and Pearl.

Can you teach Weavile Ice Punch in Pokemon White?

Weavile can learn ice punch in heart gold or soul silver by going to a move tutor located in the battle frontier front. It costs 64 B.P points. He cant in black, white, diamond or pearl. Hope I helped :p

Where do you get TM rain dance in Pokemon diamond?

if you're looking for the tm's fire punch, thunder punch, ice punch, or headbutt you can find them in the golden rod dept. store

Where do you find the TM ice punch in Pokemon platinum?

Ice Punch cannot be found as a TM in Pokemon Platinum. Ice Punch was TM 33 in Pokemon Gold and Silver but TM 33 was changed to Reflect since then meaning Ice Punch is no longer a TM move.

How do you get a Glaceon in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Glaceon has to be imported from the Pal Park. Evee would normally evolve into a Glaceon if it was trained near an ice rock. The ice rock can only be found in Pokemon Diamond or Pearl, so you have to use the Pal Park.the only way to get a glaceon is trade to or already have a eevee on diamond,pearl or platinum and level it up at route 217 next to the ice rock :)You can only get a glaceon by trading from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum

How do you make ice punch stronger in Pokemon?

Well ice punch is a physical move so ev train ur pokemon in atk

What level is fantina's Pokemon on diamond?

Driftlim: Level 34Weakness: Ice and Electric and DarkGengar: Level 34Weakness: DarkMismagurus: 36Weakness: DarkHope this really helps your Pokemon game adventures Diamond Pearl and Platium

What Pokemon evolve using the ice rock?

No Pokemon can evolve from an Icy Rock in Pokemon Sapphire, Ruby, and Emerald. If you are talking about the later games like Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, the Ice Rock can evolve Eevee into a Glaceon.