You can mine it in varrock mine check the world map it is right outside varrock. By turning clay into soft clay is a very easy way to make money.
With clay you can make bricks and clay blocks (blocks identical to the ones you mined to obtain the clay). Brick are made by smelting the clay in a furnace, and clay blocks are crafted like this: E E E C C E C C E E = Empty C = Clay Bricks can then again be made into brick blocks, crafted in the same way as the clay blocks, just replacing the clay with brick.
To get soft clay within Runescape you must first mine a clay rock, located in many mines throughout Runescape, once you have some clay you must get a bucket and fill it with water and use it on the clay.
Clay goes for 177Gp each Soft-Clay goes for 244GP each
Mine some clay, pour water(bucket) on it, and then use a chisel on the soft clay.
they mined clay,flint, and copper
Coal, oil and natural gas are mined in Tennessee. Tennessee mines ball clay which is used primarily in the manufacture of dinnerware, floor and wall tile, and pottery. Crushed stone, limestone, clay and zinc are mined in Tennessee.
yes, in the south eastern US.
Although most of England's mineral reserves have now been mined out, in the past coal, oil, clay, stone, tin, copper, lead and iron were mined.
Kaolin and ball clays were most often mined by directing hydraulic high-pressure jets of water on the clay faces of open pits, loosening the soft clay from the deposit.
The black stuff in the middle of the pencil is a mixture of graphite (an element that is mined) and clay.
There are several minerals mined in Pakistan. Pakistan has large reserves of chromite, gypsum, coal, iron, china clay and copper. Further to it Pakistan has the largest reserves of salt.
Minerals currently being mined in Arkansas include: limestone, sandstone, gravel, sand, several varieties of clay, bromine brine, gypsum, novaculite, syenite, and diamonds.
With clay you can make bricks and clay blocks (blocks identical to the ones you mined to obtain the clay). Brick are made by smelting the clay in a furnace, and clay blocks are crafted like this: E E E C C E C C E E = Empty C = Clay Bricks can then again be made into brick blocks, crafted in the same way as the clay blocks, just replacing the clay with brick.
Top 10 mined minerals in Mexico, in metric tons: Common clay: 9,111,988Marble: 4,431,447Gypsum: 3,559,579Calcite: 3,183,209Quartz: 2,607,650Dolomite: 1,499,744Nitrogen compounds (i.e. ammonia): 824,373Sulfate: 660,000Aluminum: 600,000Bentonite: 590,998
The top material mined in Florida is phosphate which is used in fertilizer. Other products mines in Florida are limestone and clay.
Three minerals mined in Georgia are kaolin, barite, and manganese. Georgia is one of the leading producers of kaolin, a type of clay used in various industries. Barite is another mineral mined in the state, used in oil and gas drilling. Additionally, Georgia is known for its manganese production, which is used in steelmaking.