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There's a trainer east of pewter city that has a jigglypuff i don't believe there is any that has a wigglytuff.

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Q: Where is a trainer with Jigglypuff and wigglytuff in Pokemon leaf green?
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Is the baby form for Jigglypuff Igglybuff in Pokemon Leaf Green?

Igglybuff is the baby form of jigglypuff. igglybuff evolves into jigglypuff and then into wigglytuff. Igglybuff-> Jigglypuff-> Wigglytuff Sorry Peeps, but u obviously don't take much notice bout the Pokemon universe. Igglybuff evolves into Jigglypuff with happiness, Jigglypuff evolves into Wigglytuff with the aid of a moon stone (Just like Cleafiry - Clefable, Nidorino - Nidoking, Nidorina - Nidoqueen).

What Pokemon has big round eyes and sings a lullaby in a cute voice?

The Pokemon mentioned in your question, is none other than the Pokemon Jigglypuff. Jigglypuff, is a round, pink Pokemon with large blue eyes, and is well known for it's lullaby. Jigglypuff was first introduced in Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Yellow, and Pokemon Green. Also known as the Balloon Pokemon, Jigglypuff weighs 12.1 pounds, has an average height, of 1'08", and has two different evolutions, with it's baby evolution being Igglybuff, and with it's older evolution, being Wigglytuff. In the anime, Jigglypuff constantly appears, and reappears, during the Indigo League season, and the Johto Journey season. It appears that all Jigglypuff seen are actually one, that tends to follow Ash and his friends, noting them to be quite interesting. When Jigglypuff appears in an episode, it is frequently seen singing it's infamous lullaby. It is also noted, that Jigglypuff is a short tempered Pokemon, often vandalizing the faces of both people and Pokemon, believing that they fall asleep due to boredom. In the Pokemon anime, when the Pokemon Karaokemon was introduced, a song, called Jigglypuff's song, was dedicated to none other than Jigglypuff. Jigglypuff is also seen as one of Green's/Blue's signature Pokemon in the Pokemon Adventure manga, being her first Pokemon, with an unusual method to fly ( by inflating itself).

What trainer has typhlosion in Pokemon Platinum?

No trainer has that Pokemon in that game. But you can migrate it from Fire Red and Leaf Green I think.

What trainers have these Pokemon on FireRed?

who has:kabutops,dragonair,porygon,pinsir,dodrio,venusaur,wigglytuff,weepingbell,tentacruel,golem,kingler, likitung,scyther,magmar and tauros please say where any are In Pokemon fire red , Kabutops is in the fossil at MT. moon, dragonair you need super rod and fish for it in the safari zone, porygon is in the celadon game coner, dodrio a trainer has on the bicycle road, pinsir trade from leaf green, venusaur on trainer tower on 7th island, wigglytuff use moon stone on jigglypuff, weepingbell evolve beelsprout at lv 21, tentacruel surf aroun cinnabar island, golem second elite 4 has it, kingler evolve krabby at lv 28, lickitung trade a golduck at fushsia city, syther at celadon city game coner magmar trade from leaf green, tauros in the safari zone.

Why does Pokemon trainer leaf not have a name?

She does its either Leaf or Green.

Related questions

Is the baby form for Jigglypuff Igglybuff in Pokemon Leaf Green?

Igglybuff is the baby form of jigglypuff. igglybuff evolves into jigglypuff and then into wigglytuff. Igglybuff-> Jigglypuff-> Wigglytuff Sorry Peeps, but u obviously don't take much notice bout the Pokemon universe. Igglybuff evolves into Jigglypuff with happiness, Jigglypuff evolves into Wigglytuff with the aid of a moon stone (Just like Cleafiry - Clefable, Nidorino - Nidoking, Nidorina - Nidoqueen).

Pokemon LeafGreen what can evolve with a moon stone?

Jigglypuff->Wigglytuff Clefairy->Clefable Nidorino->Nidoking Nidorina->Nidoqueen That's all, in leaf green that is..

What Pokemon has big round eyes and sings a lullaby in a cute voice?

The Pokemon mentioned in your question, is none other than the Pokemon Jigglypuff. Jigglypuff, is a round, pink Pokemon with large blue eyes, and is well known for it's lullaby. Jigglypuff was first introduced in Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Yellow, and Pokemon Green. Also known as the Balloon Pokemon, Jigglypuff weighs 12.1 pounds, has an average height, of 1'08", and has two different evolutions, with it's baby evolution being Igglybuff, and with it's older evolution, being Wigglytuff. In the anime, Jigglypuff constantly appears, and reappears, during the Indigo League season, and the Johto Journey season. It appears that all Jigglypuff seen are actually one, that tends to follow Ash and his friends, noting them to be quite interesting. When Jigglypuff appears in an episode, it is frequently seen singing it's infamous lullaby. It is also noted, that Jigglypuff is a short tempered Pokemon, often vandalizing the faces of both people and Pokemon, believing that they fall asleep due to boredom. In the Pokemon anime, when the Pokemon Karaokemon was introduced, a song, called Jigglypuff's song, was dedicated to none other than Jigglypuff. Jigglypuff is also seen as one of Green's/Blue's signature Pokemon in the Pokemon Adventure manga, being her first Pokemon, with an unusual method to fly ( by inflating itself).

What trainer has typhlosion in Pokemon Platinum?

No trainer has that Pokemon in that game. But you can migrate it from Fire Red and Leaf Green I think.

What Pokemon types can use flash in leaf green?

pikachu,clefairy,cleffa,jigglypuff, or cleffable.

What Pokemon can the moon stone be used on leaf green?

Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Nidorino, Nidorina, Skitty.

What trainers have these Pokemon on FireRed?

who has:kabutops,dragonair,porygon,pinsir,dodrio,venusaur,wigglytuff,weepingbell,tentacruel,golem,kingler, likitung,scyther,magmar and tauros please say where any are In Pokemon fire red , Kabutops is in the fossil at MT. moon, dragonair you need super rod and fish for it in the safari zone, porygon is in the celadon game coner, dodrio a trainer has on the bicycle road, pinsir trade from leaf green, venusaur on trainer tower on 7th island, wigglytuff use moon stone on jigglypuff, weepingbell evolve beelsprout at lv 21, tentacruel surf aroun cinnabar island, golem second elite 4 has it, kingler evolve krabby at lv 28, lickitung trade a golduck at fushsia city, syther at celadon city game coner magmar trade from leaf green, tauros in the safari zone.

Why does Pokemon trainer leaf not have a name?

She does its either Leaf or Green.

Where is trainer tower in Pokemon Leaf Green?

Seven island in the north.

Where do you find wigglytuff in heartgold?

head straight north of rustboro. above is water. there is a super potion on the edge surf up and there is a little island. in the grass u can find jigglypuff, swellow, and a few others. however, to get surf u must have beaten the 5th gym.

Who is lorlei?

she is the first elite four trainer you have to fight in Pokemon firered or leaf green

Who is the strongest Pokemon trainer in games ever?

The strongest Pokemon trainer is definitely trainer Red from Pokemon Soul Silver/Heart Gold. All his pokemons are above level 80, way stronger than Steven from Emerald, and Blue from Pokemon Leaf Green/Fire Red. Amanzio from Pokemon White/Black wifi.