Bulbapedia has an alphabetical list (article title "List of Pokemon by Name").
There is a patch for Pokemon Emerald with all the 1st, 2nd and 3rd pokemon. Nothing with all the 493 yet
493 different ones, but for all in total... Unknown.
you cant you cane only get about 300 different pokemon
493. You have to trade with other games if you want to catch 'em all.
yes, otherwise you wouldn't have all of the Pokemon
There are 493 and I am not going to list them all here!
There are 493 pokemon, 150 kanto, 99 Johto, 146 hoenn, sinnoh 106
Check Pokemon.com on the pokedex. All 493 Pokemon are catchable in Platinum.
There is a patch for Pokemon Emerald with all the 1st, 2nd and 3rd pokemon. Nothing with all the 493 yet
You can buy the game Preloaded with all 493 Pokemon at: www.losttreasuresonline.com
there are 493 Pokemon
There are 493 unique Pokemon in all.
493 different ones, but for all in total... Unknown.
well you can get every Pokemon on the game not catch all 493 but if you do enough trading you can get all 493 and all 493 can follow you for more info got to http://pokebomb.co.cc
nothing............. you just caught all the Pokemon congratulations
You can go on Pokemon websites and check out all the 493 Pokemon or you can get the action replay DS for you DS and get the 100% Pokedex complete code to see them all on your game.(IF YOU HAVE IT.)