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493. You have to trade with other games if you want to catch 'em all.

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Q: How many Pokemon is in Pokemon Pearl?
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How many gras pokemons is it on pearl?

if u mean hw many Pokemon on Pokemon dp,the answer is 151 on pearl u can check it on the pokedex in poemon diamond or pearl .

How many Pokemon are in the sinho region for Pokemon pearl?

There are only 150 of them

How many Pokemon are in Sinnoh?

210 Pokemon in platinum, pearl, and diamond. :)

How many dog Pokemon are there?

there are about 7 dog Pokemon in diamond and pearl.

Who has a combee in Pokemon pearl?

Many people do.

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Is it worth buying Pokemon platinum if you have Pokemon Pearl?

Yes, mainly because there are many more opportunities to get rarer Pokemon that you couldn't get in Pokemon Pearl without cheating.

How many mespirits are there in Pokemon Pearl?

you can only get one mespirit in Pokemon diamond, pearl and platinum; unless u cheat.

How can you get a diamend in Pokemon pearl?

you cant get a diamond on Pokemon pearl but you can get a pearl on diammond ...and pearl.

How many ribbons to get into that building on Pokemon pearl?


How many Pokemon are there in the pearl pokedex?

There are 151 Pokemon until you get the national dex

How many flying type Pokemon are there in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

There are 22 flying-type Pokemon.