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Vesta Shop is located to the left of her house.

Karen's Shop is Via telephone, But it isn't called "Karen's Shop" it's called 'supermarket'

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Q: Where is Vesta's shop and Karens shop In Harvest Moon D.S.?
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Where is the Toolbox in harvest moon?

Harvest Moon Magical Melody: it's in your house when you start the game. Harvest Moon DS: you can buy it from the TV shopping channel channel 2, but to get channel 2 you have to shop for 10 days at the supermarket (you don't have to shop 10 days in a row, just 10 days). Harvest Moon GameBoy: you have all of your tools in a shed.

Where is the touch glove on harvest moon ds cute?

At Gray's Shop

How do you make muffy love you on harvest moon?

You need to raise her love points, and one way is to buy wine from karens shop, and give it to muffy everyday. Just once a day though. then you need to activate her heart events. Check this website out. it helps

Where do you get a dye pot in harvest moon magical melody?

You buy it from the junk shop.

How many harvest moon games are there?

Over 30. SNES Harvest Moon Nintendo 64 Harvest Moon 64 Gameboy Color Harvest Moon GBC Harvest Moon GBC2 Harvest Moon GBC3 Playstation Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Harevst Moon for Girl (Only available in Japanese) Gameboy Advance Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town GameCube Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life Harvest Moon: Magical Melody Playstation 2 Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon Special Edition Playstation Portable Harvest Moon: Boy and Girl Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon Nintendo DS Harvest Moon DS Harvest Moon DS Cute Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands Puzzle de Harvest Moon Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar Harvest Moon: Twin Villages (Only available in Japanese) Nintendo Wii Harvest Moon: Magical Melody Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility Harvest Moon: Animal Parade WiiWare Harvest Moon SNES Harvest Moon: My Little Shop Rune Factory started off as a spin-off of Harvest Moon, but it has separated and become it's own series. So even though there are five Rune Factory games only the first one and maybe the second one count as official Harvest Moon games.

Related questions

Where do you buy trees in Harvest Moon D.S.?

Go to Vestas farm round about 5:00pm to 7:00pm (i think) And she will sell the usual crops you get at karens shop and tree seeds.

Where do you find the shopping channel on harvest moon ds?

You have to purchase items from Karens shop for 10 days in order to unlock the shopping channel

How do you get a blue feather in harvest moon ds?

You can Purchase a Blue Feather from Karens Shop once you have a LP total with one girl/boy of atleast 50,000 (Orange Heart)

Can't Find Harvest Moon My little shop on wii shop channel HELP?

Well I am planning to buy harvest moon my little shop in wii ware. I keep finding it on the search but there is no harvest moon there Even in it's publisher Natsume there is no my little shop there! how can i find it? or if not why is there no harvest moon there?

Where is the vistas shop in harvest moon?

If you mean Vesta's Farm, then you have to leave your Farm. Go straight ahead until you are in the middle of a junction. Then you turn right and go straight ahead. When you crossed the Bridge, you will see a Farm. There are two houses. The first one is Vestas Shop.

What is celia's everyday routine on Harvest Moon DS?

shes in her bedroom at 6:30 then you can find her in the kitchen of the house at 7:30 until 9 i think then she goes and watches vestas crops then ar around 4ish she goes to the farm shop

Where do you get a yam in harvest moon?

Go plant it. Buy the seeds from the shop. But which harvest moon game are you talking about?

How can you get a blue feather in harvest moon for ds?

There a few requirments in order to get married in harvest moon ds. First you need to have to rescue 60 harvest sprites and the harvest goddess. You also need 2 house upgrades in order to buy a big bed from the harvest sprite shopping channel. After you get a girl to have a red heart for you, a blue feather will be for sale at karens shop. DONT USE IT UNTILL YOU ARE PROPOSING!!!If you waste it, its gone. You cannot buy a new one!Also, see all of the girl's heart events.

Where can you buy seeds harvest moon?

chens' shop

Where can you download Harvest Moon?

The original Harvest Moon can be downloaded from the Wii Shop Channel for 800 Points (exquivalent to $8).

What harvest moon is it when you are a guy?

There are many Harvest Moon games that let you play as a male character: Harvest Moon SNES Harvest Moon GB Harvest Moon 2 Harvest Moon 3 Harvest Moon 64 Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Harvest Moon: Magical Melody (Gamecube and Wii version) Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon Special Edition Harvest Moon: DS Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness Harvest Moon: Sunshine Island Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility Harvest Moon: Animal Parade Harvest Moon: My Little Shop

Harvest moon magical melody how to get a double bed?

First you will buy 10 items from Karens shop for 10 days. Then you will unlock a t.v. channel and a sprite. You will have to buy some stuff and remodel and upgrade your house. A double bed is also a requirement for get married along with 60 sprites and red heart