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You need to raise her love points, and one way is to buy wine from karens shop, and give it to muffy everyday. Just once a day though. then you need to activate her heart events. Check this website out. it helps

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Q: How do you make muffy love you on harvest moon?
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When is Muffy's birthday in Harvest Moon?

In Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Muffy does not have a birthday. Nobody does. In Harvest Moon DS Muffy's Birthday is Summer 5th.

How do you marry Muffy in harvest moon friends of mineral town?

Muffy is not a character in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town.

In harvest moon ds how can you keep Muffy to still love you even after your married?

Give her gifts she likes and talk to her daily. That will Keep Muffy loving you after you are married.

Can you marry Muffy on harvest moon DS?

Yes, you can marry Muffy on harvest moon ds, but it takes a while, i would suggest looking for websites like that tell you all aout harvest moon.

Muffy on harvest moon?

Please be more specific :)

What is after the yellow heart event for Muffy in Harvest Moon for DS?

Congrats! You did all of Muffy's Heart Events! Just improve your friendship and Love points with Muffy until red heart, then you can purpose marriage.

What is Muffy like in Harvest moon DS?

Muffy is a very cheerful and happy girl in harvest moon DS. She Lives in the bue bar with Griffin. If you want to marry muffy, Make her apple pie or give her anything from carter's dig (The girly things, not gold and silver. She HATES Them). Muffy is really ncie and cheerful, be careful, Griffin likes muffy too!

You went to the beach for purple heart event for muffy but muffy is not there on harvest moon ds?

Make sure it is not on a Wednesday and must not be a rainy day. >.< bx

On harvest moon ds how many affection points do you have to have with muffy to make her heart black?

10000 LP

When is muffy's birthday harvest moon ds?

summer the 5th

Does muffy ever tell you that she loves you on harvest moon ds?

muffy will say she loves you when you got the highest coloured heart using the love bangle you need the love bangle otherwise she wont say or do anything.

What does Muffy hate the most in Harvest Moon DS?

Small fish.