Muffy is not a character in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town.
Yes, you can marry Muffy on harvest moon ds, but it takes a while, i would suggest looking for websites like that tell you all aout harvest moon.
You cannot marry the Harvest Goddess in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. Your options are Ann, Elli, Mary, Karen, and Popuri. You can marry the Harvest Goddess in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town.
To marry muffy, you must have her at red heart, brought back at least 60 harvest sprites, seen all her heart events and have the big bed
Muffy is a very cheerful and happy girl in harvest moon DS. She Lives in the bue bar with Griffin. If you want to marry muffy, Make her apple pie or give her anything from carter's dig (The girly things, not gold and silver. She HATES Them). Muffy is really ncie and cheerful, be careful, Griffin likes muffy too!
No, you can't even meet her. The only marriage candidates are Popuri, Ann, Mary, Karen, Elli, and the Harvest Goddess.
You can marry many girls in the game. Celia, Muffy, Lumina, Witch Princess, Elli, Ann, Flora, Mary, Nami, Harvest Goddess, Popuri, Karen, ............ that is all i know. i am going to check
It depends on who you marry. If for instance you marry Muffy then your game will go on and you will have a chance to have a child. But if you marry for instance Karen then you will move to mineral town with her and your game will end.
Muffy marries Griffin, the owner of the Blue Bar, if you don't marry him yourself.
Yes, you can marry Muffy on harvest moon ds, but it takes a while, i would suggest looking for websites like that tell you all aout harvest moon.
Celia, Nami, and Muffy.
no, you cannot marry him, although you can in More Friends of Mineral Town
You cannot marry the Harvest Goddess in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. Your options are Ann, Elli, Mary, Karen, and Popuri. You can marry the Harvest Goddess in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town.
you can have children on harvest moon ds. If you marry mineral town girls the game ends, but in forget-me-not valley, marry: Celia; Muffy;Lumina;Nami; or Flora, you can go to this website and see:
To marry muffy, you must have her at red heart, brought back at least 60 harvest sprites, seen all her heart events and have the big bed
The Games Are Theoretically The Same. The Only Thing That Varies Is That In "More Friends Of Mineral Town" The Character You Play As Is Female Which Has An Effect On Who Is Available To Marry.
You need to find 60 harvest sprites, then you rescue the harvest goddess and then she can let you get married :)