Yes, you can marry Muffy on harvest moon ds, but it takes a while, i would suggest looking for websites like that tell you all aout harvest moon.
Muffy is a very cheerful and happy girl in harvest moon DS. She Lives in the bue bar with Griffin. If you want to marry muffy, Make her apple pie or give her anything from carter's dig (The girly things, not gold and silver. She HATES Them). Muffy is really ncie and cheerful, be careful, Griffin likes muffy too!
Muffy does not have a dairy in Harvest Moon DS. The diary is used in the game Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life to see how much a girl likes you. In Harvest Moon DS, which uses the same characters you tell how much a girl likes you by the color of the heart you see when you speak with the girl.
Celia and Muffy are the easiest. They love flowers. They also like necklaces and lotions that you can find in the excavation site.
To marry muffy, you must have her at red heart, brought back at least 60 harvest sprites, seen all her heart events and have the big bed
Make sure it is not on a Wednesday and must not be a rainy day. >.< bx
Muffy marries Griffin, the owner of the Blue Bar, if you don't marry him yourself.
In Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Muffy does not have a birthday. Nobody does. In Harvest Moon DS Muffy's Birthday is Summer 5th.
Muffy is a very cheerful and happy girl in harvest moon DS. She Lives in the bue bar with Griffin. If you want to marry muffy, Make her apple pie or give her anything from carter's dig (The girly things, not gold and silver. She HATES Them). Muffy is really ncie and cheerful, be careful, Griffin likes muffy too!
I think it is easiest to marry Muffy because she likes jewelry and wine. It is easy to get her gifts.
summer the 5th
Celia, Flora, Lumina, Muffy, and NamiAll have the same level of difficult to marry.
Your son will Have Blond Hair, and a white suit with some blue.
you can have children on harvest moon ds. If you marry mineral town girls the game ends, but in forget-me-not valley, marry: Celia; Muffy;Lumina;Nami; or Flora, you can go to this website and see:
Small fish.
Take wine to her every day, It improves her affection for you by 500. And talk to her twice a day.
Muffy does not have a dairy in Harvest Moon DS. The diary is used in the game Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life to see how much a girl likes you. In Harvest Moon DS, which uses the same characters you tell how much a girl likes you by the color of the heart you see when you speak with the girl.
Celia and Muffy are the easiest. They love flowers. They also like necklaces and lotions that you can find in the excavation site.