Unlimited use. Location: Route 13. On the southern part of the route, on top of a cliff with a boulder blocking the path. Requires Strength. Available After: Post-Game
This TM is given by Mr psychic in saffron city his house is to the right from the Pokemon center.
You can buy it at the game corner.
route 13
Psychic (TM 29) is found on Victory Road, while on your way to the Pokemon League. Also I believe you can buy one on the Battle Frontier later in the game.
You can't find swords dance as a TM in Pokemon Black
Route 13
with TM and hm's
Yes, Pyschic is TM29 in Pokemon.
To get the TM psychic go to saffron city and go right from the Pokemon center there will be a house with a mailbox it says MR psychic go inside and talk to him he will give you the TM now teach it to a Pokemon that can learn and there you go you have psychic.
This TM is given by Mr psychic in saffron city his house is to the right from the Pokemon center.
In Saffron City go east from the Pokemon center and go in the house with the mailbox it should read Mr Psychic's House inside talk to Mr Psychic to get his TM Psychic.
TN 29 ----- Psychic
Route 211
You can buy it at the game corner.
route 13
Psychic (TM 29) is found on Victory Road, while on your way to the Pokemon League. Also I believe you can buy one on the Battle Frontier later in the game.
Go to Mr. Psychic's house in Saffron City and talk to him and he will give you the TM for Psychic.