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It can be found in viridian city. Unfortuneately it can only be found after beating the elite four.

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Q: Where is TM85 dream eater in SoulSilver?
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Where do you get TM85 dream eater in emerald?

Emerald is Generation 3, where as TM 85 (Dream-eater) is only introduced in Generation 4 (DP/HGSS) To get Dream-Eater in Emerald you need to defeat the Elite Four, go to the Battle Frontier and win 24 B.P. Then, you can go to the small house to the far left of the map, where there is two ladies, one of the ladies will teach your pokemon Dream-Eater for 24 B.P. I hope this helps XD

What Pokemon can you teach the TM dream eater on soulsilver?

To name a few, Butterfree, clefairy, meowth, drowzee, lapras, and umbreon. Most psychic types can learn dream eater, but it is useless unless the opponent is asleep.

When was Dream Eater Merry created?

Dream Eater Merry was created in 2011.

How do you get Dream Eater in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can get a Dream Eater in Pokemon by achieving a certain level in the game. Once you have reached a specified level you can get the dream eater. Dream eater will attack the foes or enemies who are sleeping and steal their HP.

When does noctowl learn dream eater?

It learns the move Dream Eater at level 57.

What moves does gastly have?

lick,curse,hypnosis,dream eater etc. Dream eater is the signature of gastly but it work only when the opponet is asleep. That means you have to hypnosis the enemy first then use dream eater.

What pokemon are affected by dream eater?

Dream eater only works on pokemon that are currently asleep. However, as a ghost type move, dream eater has no effect on normal type pokemon, whether they are awake or asleep.

How does drowzee learn Hypnosis and dream eater or nightmare?

hynosis and dream eater can be learned by tm's but nightmare once he evovle's

What is the first Pokemon game to have dream eater?

The first Pokemon Game to have the move Dream Eater was the first generation Pokemon games. Being Red, Blue, and Yellow. I know because I used dream eater a couple times in Blue. :)

How Do you Teach A Pokemon Dream Eater in Pokemon LeafGreen?

In order to teach Dream Eater to any Pokémon, you would first need the TM for Dream Eater. Once you have the TM in your inventory, you need a Pokémon that is the correct type to learn the move.

How do you get Dream Eater in Pokemon Black?

This is available in dreamyard

Is hypnosis nightmare dream eater shadowball a good moveset for haunter?

its good yea but id take out nightmare since u allready got fream eater is plug in a calm mind to boost dream eater power by a lot