you need don't to get the TM mean look its easier catching a Pokemon with that move such as Golbat at Snowpoint city
most golbat know mean look and giratina knows block
Zubat, Golbat, Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Jynx, Crobat, Umbreon, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Smoochum, Sableye, Duskull, and Dusclops can learn mean look by leveling up. By breeding, Grimer, Muk, Ralts, Kirlia, and Gardevoir can learn mean look.
You can't. Pokemon Pearl is a NDS game, and VBA (visual boy advance) can only play Gameboy Advance games. For Pokemon Pearl, you have to look for NosGBA or another NDS Emulator.
if you look on it will tell you which Pokemon can learn surf
golbat can learn mean look
There is no TM mean look on Pokemon pearl.
Golbat uses mean look in Pokemon pearl but i am not sure about Pokemon diamond and pearl.
Well, if you are looking for the Tm Mean Look in Pokemon pearl you CAN'T get it. Sorry
Mean look is not a TM. It can only be learned by breeding or leveling.
catch a zubat.
No Sorry but there are a Few Pokemon in pearl with mean look such as Misdrevus, Mismagius, Zubat, Golbat, and Crobat:):):)
in turn back cave
You catch a ghost pokemon, preferably Gastly, and train it up until it has learnt it.
most golbat know mean look and giratina knows block
Go to the tower in Solaceon City and catch a GHASTLY.
there isn't one. its a natural move learned