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you trade it...first get a golduck n go to route 18 in the gate and go upstairs n trade your golduck the that person's lickitung.

by: lazyhl94
you can trade lickitang in the (2.floor in the police house) on the bottom of the cycling road.

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Q: Where is Lickitung in Pokemon FireRed?
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What level does Lickitung evolve at in firered?

Lickitung does not evolve in FireRed.

How do you get Lickitung besides the swarm in Lake Valor?

You can migrate a Lickitung from Pokemon FireRed or LeafGreen, or you can use an AR (Action Replay) code to hack your way to get a Lickitung.

How do you get Lickilicky in Pokemon FireRed?

First go to fuschia city and find the person who trades lickitung for golduck. He is in one of those gaurdhouses. Get lickitung and evolve

Where do you get a lickatung in Pokemon FireRed?

Go to Route 18 and trade Golduck for a Lickitung. Pokemon Leafgreen Version requires a Slowbro instead.

Where do you get a lickitung in Pokemon emerald?

you can get one from firered or leaf green and transfering it to emerald,ruby, or sapphire, then migrate to diamond and pearl

Where do you get Licktung in Pokemon FireRed?

You can get a lickitung in fire red by trading with a kid in the building that is in between fuchisa and route 18. You trade him a golduck.

Can you catch a lickitung in Sapphire?

no you must trade it from leafgreen firered

Can lickitung evolve in Pokemon Gold?

No, Lickitung cannot evolve in Gold.

What does lickitung evolve into in Pokemon?

Lickitung evolves into Lickilicky when it learns Rollout at level 33.

What Pokemon evolved to Lickilicky?


Where to get lickitung in Pokemon LeafGreen?


Does lickitung evolve in Pokemon Crystal?

Yes, Lickitung does evolve but it will not evolve in Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen and Emerald. It will only evolve in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver, Black, White, Black 2, White 2, X and Y as well as any other future games.