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Lickitung evolves into Lickilicky when it learns Rollout at level 33.

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Q: What does lickitung evolve into in Pokemon?
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Can lickitung evolve in Pokemon Gold?

No, Lickitung cannot evolve in Gold.

When does Lickitung evolve at in Pokemon Tower Defense?

Lickitung will evolve into Lickilicky when leveling up while knowing Rollout.

Where can you find lickilicky in Pokemon platinum?

you have to evolve lickitung

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you have to evolve lickitung to get lickylicky

Can lickitung evolve in Pokemon Black and White?

yes he can

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How do you evolve Lickitung on Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can't on leafgreen.

What level does lickitung evolve in Pokemon white?

he/her should evolve at level 33

How do you evolve Lickitung in Pokemon SoulSilver?

In SoulSilver, Lickitung will evolve into Lickilicky once it levels up while it knows the Rollout move. In SoulSilver, Lickitung learns Rollout at Level 33.

How do you make lickitung evolve in Pokemon?

Lickitung evolves into Lickilicky by leveling it up whilst it knows Roll Out.

How do you get likyliky on Pokemon pearl?

Evolve a Lickitung at Lv.34

Where do you find nuber162 in Pokemon platinum?

Lickilickyyou have to evolve lickitung.