First go to fuschia city and find the person who trades lickitung for golduck. He is in one of those gaurdhouses. Get lickitung and evolve
You can find Veteran Clayton that has a Lickilicky (level 46) on victory road.
In Pokemon firered you can't, but in Pokemon leafgreen you can get it then trade it to Pokemon firered.
The one you are referring to is either Lickitung or Lickilicky.
To get Pokemon firered on PC download a vba and Pokemon firered ROM
Yes there are shiny Pokemon in firered
lickilicky is in the cargo ship in the room with kincaid's clothes
You can find Veteran Clayton that has a Lickilicky (level 46) on victory road.
you have to evolve lickitung
it evolves from lickatung when it learns rollout
No, it can`t
Lickilicky is the Normal type evolution of the Pokemon Lickitung. Lickitung evolves into Lickilicky when leveled up after learning Rollout.
Lickilicky is #463 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.
all you have to do is evolve lickitongue
lickilicky, the evolved form of lickitung
In Pokemon firered you can't, but in Pokemon leafgreen you can get it then trade it to Pokemon firered.