The Super Rod can be obtained by a Fisherman in the Fight Area. The Fight Area can be accessed after completing the Sinnoh Pokedex and defeating the Elite Four.
only magicarp
in Pokemon diamond it is in were the elitle four thing is outside in the water. and that route after it were shaymin is. but you have to use a rod.
Sorry not that i am aware of and i have seen just about every code out there if i find a code i will post it here under Pokemon diamond Fishing rod.
Get rid of some of the master balls! the number of master balls you have is the number of the pokemon
After you beat the elite four.
I dont think you do get one you only get a super rod
when you have a master rod use it in mt coronet and a dratini may appear
old rod good rod super rod and pie rod
NO Such Thing Only Super Rod/Good Rod/Old Rod.
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only magicarp
no such thing as an 'ultra rod.' there is a such thing as a 'super rod' though.
you have to use a super rod or normal rod
No. It is only with the super rod.