its not latias its bianca she kisses him on the lips for 10 secs. she kisses him because he was being nice to latias
Ash didn't kiss Bianca or Latias, 1 of them kissed him, now which one kissed him on the cheek is a matter of debate due to Latias' shape shifting ability so some people will believe Latias kissed him and some will be Bianca kissed him. The main point that people will point out with the character that kissed Ash on the cheek is that Bianca's hairstyle is in the same style as it would be while Latias would be disguised as Bianca.
Latias is the one who kissed Ash in Pokémon Heroes, when Latias is disguised as Bianca she doesn't talk, she doesn't wear a hat and she has a different hairdo.
I think that it's the mom and dad and son and the other latias was the one who kissed ash and ash was supposed to chech the latias but did not
Melody in the "Power of One" movie in 2000 kisses Ash on the cheek and Latias kisses Ash on the cheek in "Pokémon Heroes."
There is no episode in which Ash has kissed a girl because he has never kissed a girl in any episode of Pok
At least to me, Latias has a visible crush on Ash and I believe Latias was the one who kissed Ash at the end of the movie(Pokemon Heroes)
Ash didn't kiss Bianca or Latias, 1 of them kissed him, now which one kissed him on the cheek is a matter of debate due to Latias' shape shifting ability so some people will believe Latias kissed him and some will be Bianca kissed him. The main point that people will point out with the character that kissed Ash on the cheek is that Bianca's hairstyle is in the same style as it would be while Latias would be disguised as Bianca.
Latias is the one who kissed Ash in Pokémon Heroes, when Latias is disguised as Bianca she doesn't talk, she doesn't wear a hat and she has a different hairdo.
latias the Pokemon kissed ash in movie 5 . Some people think bianca did but it was latias because at that part of the movie she did not talk,she did not have her hat on and latias likes ash more bianca.The name of this movie is heroes.
I think that it's the mom and dad and son and the other latias was the one who kissed ash and ash was supposed to chech the latias but did not
This is a quote from Pokemon Wikia about Bianca from Pokemon Heroes: "After helping save Alto Mare, she ran to Ash, who was leaving, and kissed him and gave him a picture. However, it is unknown if it was either Latias in disguise or the real Bianca who really to kissed Ash, although it is most likely Latias who did it, because the Bianca who kissed him wasn't wearing a hat."
There have been various times in the Pokémon anime in which Ash has kissed someone. For example, in the movie Pokémon 2000.
Melody in the "Power of One" movie in 2000 kisses Ash on the cheek and Latias kisses Ash on the cheek in "Pokémon Heroes."
Opinion 1It was Latias because when you look closely at the shirt collar Latias' shirt collar does not have any buttons but the real Bianca does.Opinion 2It was Latias since when Ash and the gang were leaving they saw Bianca (Latias) and they pull over and when they met she just gave him a picture and a kiss on the cheek, it's obvious because when Latias is Bianca she never talks but Bianca does. Opinion 3 - It's unknown but it is most likely Latias because she just ran up to him and kissed him because she doesn't talk but it may be Bianca because almost every Pokemon Movie Main Girl turns out to like Ash or be friends with him.Opinion 4 - It is most likely Bianca because when Oakley called she left her room and she is the one drawing not LatiasOpinion 5 - It is most probably Latias, or it could be Bianca because she may be acting all Latias-like so Ash wouldn't know.Opinion 6 - It was Latias I know this with absolute certainty. I say it's Latias because Latias is the one that Ash saved from the two Team Rocket girls, Latias developed a very close bond with Ash throughout the course of the movie and she didn't say a single word to Ash, she stayed completely silent which Latias always does while transformed.Opinion 7 - It was Bianca because you see the hand grabbing the picture of Ash and Pikachu a hat was left on the painting stand and plus Latias can't kiss because before on it she licked ash.Opinion 8 I believe that Bianca kissed Ash and there are a few theories.1. What if Bianca kissed Ash and gave him the picture as a way of thanking him for all the trouble he went through?2. What if Bianca took off her hat so that she could trick Ash (not to mention almost all the Pokemon fans) that it wasn't her3. If you don't own Pokemon Heroes on DVD then this won't make any sense but on the Pokemon Heroes DVD trivia game, one of the questions are "In parting, what kind of gift does Bianca give to Ash?" and the correct answer is: a painting.Another Opinion:It's hard to tell but here are some clues to find out who it was.If it was Latias:1. Latias normally doesn't talk when she's in human or humanoid form.2. Bianca was gone when Ash was leaving so i think maybe Latias grabbed the painting and took it to Ash.3. Latias' relationship with Ash improves throughout the entire movie and because of which she had really taken a liking to Ash.If it was Bianca:1. Near the end of movie Latios and Latias weere flying through town and it would take a long time to find a safe place to change back so it could be Bianca.2. Latias can't draw and she seemed in such a rush that maybe Bianca forgot her hat.3.Bianca was kinda mean to Ash but later she started to open up to him.
Pokemon iu is right, be nice to people unless you want them to call you a dushbag or a nimrod
He kissed 2 girls. In Pokemon the Movie 2000, he got a kiss from a girl named Melody, only for tradition. It was called "the Traditional Welcome Kiss." He also kissed a girl (who was originally a Latias) in Pokemon Heroes: Latios & Latias, FOR ROMANCE THIS TIME! (sadly, it was only a kiss on the cheek.)
whats wrong with you you loser you have no life dont you? omg you are so gay and stuiped get a life you loser Wow, way to be a jerk. I'm not really sure if they kissed, it's been tossed around alot lately. Sorry.