There is no episode in which Ash has kissed a girl because he has never kissed a girl in any episode of Pok
episode 107
Episode 2 and 6
Actually, no. A few girls kiss him. Not the other way around.
No, Misty never kisses Ash in any of the Pokémon episodes.
Yes, in the Pokemon movie the power of one
episode 107
No, Ash and Dawn did not kiss in any Pokémon episodes.
Episode 2 and 6
Ash never kisses anyone. Pokemon is not a TV show with shipping.
Ash has never kissed a girl, or Dawn.
Actually, no. A few girls kiss him. Not the other way around.
No, Dawn never kisses Ash in any of the movies or in any of the episodes of Pokémon.
No, Misty never kisses Ash in any of the Pokémon episodes.
Iris is the girl ash travels with, she is also the last gym leader in pokemon white
He got his first kiss in the 2nd movie from a girl that turns into latias O_o
Yes, in the Pokemon movie the power of one
his first kiss was misty then a girl in Pokemon mewtwo strikes back Melody an last but not least May