Suicune, if i do remember correctly, runs off to the area right of Bills house north of cerrulian city (pardon my spelling)
If you run away, you have to beat the elite four. Then, go to the burned tower and suicune will be waiting at the bottom for you. go to for a more detailed "how to".
go to the burned tower, all 3 of legendary dogs are there you need rock smash to get to them after they run away go to the grassy area and it should be there:)
You just have to travel in and out of a house then look at your pokedex and if your in the same city go to patches of grass and WALK DO NOT run it will scare him away:):):)
after you get to vermillion city go past digletts cave and go into the grass and look down there should be a opening and go in there and carry on suicune is at the end of the path
Suicune is probably not on route 25 if you met him everywhere else because you haven't caught Entei and Raikou. If you caught them and Suicune still isn't there then look at the places Suicune was, then go back to route 25 WITH ENTIE AND RAIKU IN YOUR PARTY!
If you run away, you have to beat the elite four. Then, go to the burned tower and suicune will be waiting at the bottom for you. go to for a more detailed "how to".
He ran away to the circus
First, go to the burned tower where you might Eusine, then go to the bottom floor and you will see each dog. They will run away from you and you will talk to Eusine. Later, you will see Suicune in the northern side of Cianwood. After you beat the elite four and lance, you will go to kanto and see suicune in vermillion. It will run away for the last time on route 14, just outside Bill's house in Cerulean where you can catch it.
Truth or rommer when he ran away ?and how was he ablie to find a carnavil to run away to ? Was he fustrated when he left ? And the main qestion is where did he go after he ran away?
well suicune jumps around the johto region and after you have beaten the elite four you can go to the kanto region and suicune will appear around there and on the last time you go to cerullean city and up go as far as you can then where bills grandpas house is go along and suicune is there
If it is anything like Crystal you have to go to Ecruteak City. There you go into the burnt tower and you meet Suicune for the first time. You then leave and continue on your journey. After you have gathered all the badges you go back to Ecruteak and enter the building with the three wise men. They will allow you to go through. There will be Entei, Raiku, and Suicune. Suicune will come up and battle you.
you go to and find misty and then battle her at the gym them go back and suicune shuld be their
he runs away but go to cape brink,you'll see it at the top of cerulean city in kanto.
all you need to do is beat feiry feild then lighting feild then you get to fight suicune then go to fight ho-oh and then go back and fight suicune but have a freind bow its easyer for suicune to be your freind
If you can't find Suicune, then that either means you never visited the Burnt Tower in Ecruteak City or you haven't arrive at the Kanto region yet. To find Suicune, you'll need to first go to Ecruteak City and go inside the Burnt Tower. Go to the basement of the tower and you'll see Suicune, Entei, and Raikou. As soon as you see them, though, they will all run off, except for Suicune who will look at you before running away. After that, you'll have to chase Suicune at various places in the game before finally seeing it outside of Bill's House on Route 25, after Misty returned to her gym.
go to the burned tower, all 3 of legendary dogs are there you need rock smash to get to them after they run away go to the grassy area and it should be there:)