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Q: Where does Mesprit go when it leaves its cave?
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Where to find mesprit in platinum?

You have to have beat the Cyrus and the Distortion World. Then go to Twinleaf Town and go to the lake by it. Surf to the middle and go to the cave. There you'll find Mesprit.

What do you do after you free mesprit in Pokemon diamond?

I think you go and catch it in it's cave.

Where is mesprit at in explores of sky?

Mesprit is in Quicksand Cave. You'll need to encounter her for the first time you see her, but when you go back she'll ask to be recruited.

How can you find mesprit in pokemon pearl?

after you you face palkia you can use swim to go to a cave in the center of lake verity. if you go inside you will find mesprit sitting in the middle of the cave . go talk to it and it will fly away. then go to jubilife city and talk to the guy that gave the poketch. he will add a map of the sinnoh region in your poketch that shows the position of mesprit so you can catch it.

What cave is Mesprit in on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2?

Mesprit is in the underground lake.

Where do you find mesprit?

You always start form twinleaf town right? So go to the lake closest to twinleaf, and use surf to go to a cave in the middle of nowhere, go inside, and you'll hopefully find a mesprit. Mesprit runs away from you, so I suggest you have a Pokemon with Mean Look.

How do you find mesprit on the marking map?

After you catch the main legendary (dialga, palkia, giratina) go to lake verity and mesprit will be in the cave in the middle of the lake. Talk to it and then it will flee and appear on your map app.

How do you get mespirit in Pokemon diomand?

once you have climded to spear pillar and caught dialga go to the cave in lake verity then mesprit will be there

How do you catch a Mesprit in Pokemon Platinum?

to catch mesprit in pokemon platinum go to its cave(after beating team galatic and catching/defeating girantina)at lake verity use surf and swim to the cave in the middle. talk to mesprit and it will run away and oak will tell you after it and use your marking map to track it down. best strategy to catch it is get a pokemon with a move like mean look or make it go to sleep. also mesprit is level 50 like uxie and azelf

Do you need to eight gym bages to catch mesprit?

no. You just need to have battled dialga/palkia and go to the cave in lake verity.

What is the Action replay code for mesprit in diamond?

Mespirit is already in the game. Ill tell you how to get it though. Step1:After you get dialga go to Lake Verity. Note:Your going to need a Pokemon that knows Surf. Step2:Go to the little brown cave,and mesprit will be waiting for you. Note:When you press A mesprit will not battle you she will flee. Step3:Go around the world to look for mesprit in grass and on water. Note: Professer Oak will give you a poketch application to look for mesprit. Funny Joke: Guess what game mesprit is playing with you? Its hide and seek! Well good luck! -Camille

Where is mesprit in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of time?

Quicksand Cave.