After you catch the main legendary (dialga, palkia, giratina) go to lake verity and mesprit will be in the cave in the middle of the lake. Talk to it and then it will flee and appear on your map app.
The one you need to find mesprit is called the marking map you can get one from a guy in the pokech building in jubilife city (he has brown hair ).
When a Pokemon is travelling around (mesprit, cresselia) the marking map will show a little face. Wherever the face is on the map, you will find the Pokemon. The Pokemon wil not be standing there, it will be hiding in the tall grass or even on water..
In map 22 (Ground)
Mesprit moves around the world at random so it could potentially be anywhere after it runs away. To find where he is, use the map on the Poketch.
To find Mesprit after it runs away Note:Happens after beat Galactic at Lake Valor aslo when you beat the elite four and got the national dex go to canaclave and go to the saliors house talk to the boy and he is having a neverending nightmare from darkrai talk to the sailor and you can go to fullmoon island and talk to cressila and will run of and track it on the marking map like mesprit.
You need the marking map you used to catch mesprit You need the marking map you used to catch mesprit
after you get the marking map it goes into ur poke watch. The marking map is used for locating mesprit and cresselia
The one you need to find mesprit is called the marking map you can get one from a guy in the pokech building in jubilife city (he has brown hair ).
If you have the marking map it will track mesprit, just don't fly.
If you are already saw mesprit in the the cavern, then you should have the marking map. because you will see it then it will run away. Then rowan should come and give you the marking map. But if all of that happened and you don't have the marking app, then something is wrong.
You can find Mesprit in Verity Cavern. Head to Lake Verity and use surf till you find a cave. Inside will be Mesprit. However, it will run away so you will need the Marking Map app to find it.
When a Pokemon is travelling around (mesprit, cresselia) the marking map will show a little face. Wherever the face is on the map, you will find the Pokemon. The Pokemon wil not be standing there, it will be hiding in the tall grass or even on water..
It allows you to mark places on the map. Also, it is used to track roaming legendaries, such as Mesprit and Cresselia.
you need the marking map on your poketech and the you go between sangem town and route 219 until he will be down in the marking map and then go into the sea there
The Marking Map is a Pokètch app that lets you drag the little squares on to your favourite place in the reigon. It can also help you track roaming ledgendaries (i.e, Cresslia, Mesprit)
You won't be able to catch Mesprit or Cresslia. You can get the marking map app after you get 8 badges in Jublife city.
you use the marking map on the poketch which you get in the poketch building after you beat the third gym. and you catch them by chasing them on the marking map like mesprit. i suggest using the move mean look which golbat and haunter learn