You can trade a Minccino in Driftveil City for a red-striped Basculin. (blue-striped Basculin in Pokemon White) It is in the house with the elderly man and a youngster. The youngster is offering the Basculin.
it was 7 min long
Yes i just did it and it took 5-10 min. of running around to get a egg
In the Route 211 Entrance of Mt. Cornet. It is found only 10% and it is found only in the morning and night, though. Morning: Min Level 12 Max Level 12. Night: Min Level 13 Max Level 13
You should use about 60 or less ultra balls,timer balls.I suggest using the timer NEVER USE MASTERBALL balls because they are twice the power of an ultra ball.But that's just my opinion.If you want to be the real deal try the pokeball.I bet your saying that "that's impossible your nuts!" I am not nuts, i have some moves you can do to get groudon(or any powerful Pokemon or legendary Pokemon.)for this, the regular pokeballs will be 45 min. or more. If you are lucky you can get groudon in a regular pokeball in less then 45 min. press 'a' button every time the Pokemon is in pokeball. and press 'a' a bunch of times when the Pokemon is in the poke balls. press 'a' and 'b' every time the Pokemon is in the pokeball,if the Pokemon escapes let go of the 'b' button and keep on holding 'a'.Then press select. this will make the Pokemon a higher chance of catching it in the pokeball. hope it works !best likely use an ultra or timer ball.
A day is 12 min. and a night is 7 min.
Shaymin- rare. You can get it from Platinum, Action Replay DS, or trade. You would have to trade a really powerful Pokemon if anyone even has it to trade.
I don't know exchange, but I know sell. A guy min the big villa in undella town buys relic items, and a guy in the iccuris Pokemon center will buy shards.
professional bodies and trade unions
Through Min Settings in mystery Gift
Minun doesn't evolve.
The best way is battling the Elite Four.
it was 7 min long
The second plane hit the world trade center 15 min. later
max 10 years min 2 months
imma be by the black eyed peas is about four min. and 20 sec.
did you min azumaril? I dont now who is amarill but azumarill you can get with evoolving marill.
Created Black people