Among other things, it is one alternative to access the corresponding runecrafting altar. It can also be used as a weapon.
He is right if you want a high level attack but masismic barrage that requires a zureals staff.
No. At least, player moderators don't get paid, nor do they get any other benefit. On the other hand, there is Jagex staff that does get paid.
There are alot of guides on google/youtube how to code.U need to code the command and then the X and Y (location).
If you mean a talisman, a talisman is an item in RuneScape which, after completing the quest Rune Mysteries, allows you to create runes by having rune essence or pure essence in your inventory, mined from rune essence mines. Left click it to give you directions to the altar. Then, use the talisman on the altar, and click on the stone in the middle. Congratulations, you have made runes. Depending on which altar you went to, you will make runes of that kind.
Depends on your level, but id recommend rune + and a rune or better weapon, depends what you killing them for, if it for the staff I'd recommend those and few lobbies.
Nope, f2p can get certain runecrafting staves too. You just need to get a tailsman staff, a air tailsman and most importantly, at least 50 Runecrafting to get the air runecrafting staff.
Tailsmans enable you to enter a certain altar, according to what tailsman you have. Eg. Air tailsman lets you enter the air altar. Tailsman can also be bind into a tiara to create a certain tiara Eg. Water tailsman can be bind with a tiara to make water tiara.
You get one from the "Rune Mysteries" quest as a reward.
Once I killed an imp and it droped a mind tailsman.
an Ancient Staff on RuneScape costs 417k as of September.
Enchant the talisman first and then put it on a staff.
Yes the Staff of Iban is a members only item.
There is no staff like this.
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No, you need the staff and the list of spells, unless the changed it
you use a lunar staff
Impossible, you would have to wield the staff to gain it's effects.