He is right if you want a high level attack but masismic barrage that requires a zureals staff.
Your attack stats don't but look at you Magic bonus on attack, that does.
In my opinion it is a mithril scimitar.
i mean with out strength at level 70 dharocks battleaxe is good for 70 attack =) for attack try saradomin godsword
Levels that effect combat level are constitution, attack, strength, defense, prayer, magic, ranged, and summoning.
The highest hitting bow with the highest DPS in runescape is the Zaryte bow. The bow with the best special attack however, is the dark bow with dragon arrows.
Your attack stats don't but look at you Magic bonus on attack, that does.
Strength, magic or range an attack all at least 70+.
The best in order are:RangedMeleeMagic
On runescape you gather certain runes and you cast spells to attack monsters to get you magic level up.
Mystic armour is good and cheap
There is no "magic mage" on RuneScape. There are various ways to train magic, and there are various mages, or wizards.
Attack , Strength , Defence , Range , Prayer, Summoning , Constitution (Hitpoints) , and Magic.
The Rune 2h Sword has the highest attack statistics. It requires level 40 Attack. It's attack statistics are: Stab: -4 Crush: +50 Slash: +69 Magic: -4 Strength: +70 The price varies between 44,400gp - 49,000gp
In my opinion it is a mithril scimitar.
The Best magic armour in the game has to be Full Ahrims, since it gives great magic bonuses plus added defence on top of it.
there actually is no best attack xp quest for runescape but you could try some members ones