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in the pokemart a gut in a green shirt will say he received a gift and then he gives it to u

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Q: Where do you pick up mystery gift Pokemon?
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How do you link up with Nintendo to get the mystery gift?

you can link together with all in mystery gift in Pokemon it depends in what version do you have^^

How do you get liberty pass in Pokemon white version?

While still on the title screen you select MYSTERY GIFT -> RECIEVE GIFT -> GET VIA NINTENDO WFC. It will download to your game and you will then be able to pick it up from a delivery man at any Pokemon Center.

What is the best Pokemon to catch in black and white?

the best pokemon in black and white is victini you can catch him if you go on mystery gift after you get the victini card you can pick him up from the mail man next to the door at any pokemon center

How do you pick up items on Pokemon mystery dungeon explores of time?

step on it

Can you get the same Mystery Gift twice in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Mystery Gift is an option developed in the second series of Pokemon. During that time Mystery gift could be used with other Pokemon games to obtain random items and such. Now Mystery Gift is used for NoA Events as the proccess to give out gifts. NoA Event = Nintendo of America Event This is currently the only known reason for Mystery Gift.

How can you get a Pokemon from a mystery gift in soul silver?

Depends on what you mean. If your talking about where to go to get the gift that's easy. Go to the main menu where you pick your saved game. Go down until you see Mystery Gift. Then pick the 3rd opinion. (Note you need Wifi for it to work. Also there isn't always a gift just depends on if they've released one.) If you talking about where to pick it up,Go to any pokemart and talk to a man in blue. He will give you whatever item or pokemon the gifts given you. Good luck and cheers mate.-Payton.

How is mystery gift used on Pokemon firered?

You have to save your game and then turn you console off. Then turn your console back on and set up your Pokemon game. Before you start your game under 'New Game' its says mystery gift. You can only use the mystery gift if you have a connection cable for your gameboy.

How do you get to a Pokemon event?

To get an event Pokemon you must go to an event hot spot like gamestop when they have a distribution date like the 24th-30th (not actual days) and go to the main menu of the Pokemon game you then press mystery gift and then you press receive gift and you get the Pokemon sent to your game but you have to go to a pokemart and talk to the dude in red or green to pick up your gift then you must save your game and the Pokemon is yours

How can you get Darkrai in Pokemon Platinum?

You have to have mystery gift and Wi-fi connection. Press Mystery gift on a special day when starting the game press receive from wi-fi then pick it up at a pokemart go to the locked hotel in that city by Jubilife City and go in talk to the man then go to sleep in the bed and darkrai will appear. For more information like how to get mystery gift contact me at

How long do you have to waint for your mistergift frome via wireless in Pokemon pearl?

In order to receive the mystery gift, you will need to set up your WIFI connection with the man in the Jubilife Center. After this, you will have to pick up any gifts sent to you at the PokeMart.

How do you make the guy holding the storage key to show up in Pokemon platinum?

get mystery gift from guy at jubilife tv and then use wfc with freinds to unlock mystery gift who will appear at pokemart by seyhmus

How do you use a mystery gift in Pokemon LeafGreen?

u would have to have2 or four gb together then link them up