You have to save your game and then turn you console off. Then turn your console back on and set up your Pokemon game. Before you start your game under 'New Game' its says mystery gift. You can only use the mystery gift if you have a connection cable for your gameboy.
The Mystery Gift in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen all use the wireless adapter that goes into the GameBoy Advance to obtain special Nintendo events and/or DLC. (Downloadable content) The link cable was only used for the Mystery Gift in Pokemon Silver, Gold, and Crystal.
"LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL" and you will get the mystery gift. The mystery gift is used to get special event items when Nintendo gives them out.
Unlike the former Pokemon games Mystery Gift is used for NoA Events only. NoA Event = Nintendo of America Event This is currently the only known reason for Mystery Gift.
You can only get a Mareep by using a Wonder Card which is used in Mystery Gift and with the Wireless Adapter that alters the Pokemon inside Altering Cave allowing you to catch a Mareep, Teddiursa, Houndour, Stantler, Pineco, and Zubat (Which is the only Pokemon you can catch without Mystery Gift.).
Used on porygon to evolve to porygon2
The Mystery Gift in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen all use the wireless adapter that goes into the GameBoy Advance to obtain special Nintendo events and/or DLC. (Downloadable content) The link cable was only used for the Mystery Gift in Pokemon Silver, Gold, and Crystal.
The two Mystery Gift options can only be used by hooking up to a machine at a Pokemon event. There is no such thing as a Wonder Gift - there is only Wonder News and Wonder Cards.
"LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL" and you will get the mystery gift. The mystery gift is used to get special event items when Nintendo gives them out.
Mystery Gift is an option used to receive Pokémon at official Nintendo events. Wonder Gift only exists by action replay, however both can't be used simontaneously.
on your D's turn the time on the date and day the mystery gift was on and make sure you also have a R4C Chip and then just the game then you'll see mystery gift but this will only work if you've used mystery gift before
You must be attending a NoA Event to obtain the Aurora Ticket. Other than that, Mystery Gift cannot be used. Unlike the former Pokemon games Mystery Gift is used for NoA Events only. NoA Event = Nintendo of America Event This is currently the only known reason for Mystery Gift.
You must be attending a NoA Event to use that option. Unlike the former Pokemon games Mystery Gift is used for NoA Events only. NoA Event = Nintendo of America Event This is currently the only known reason for Mystery Gift.
Unless cheats are used, Charmander can't be caught in Pokemon Diamond. Charmander, however can be obtained with other methods: -Trading with a friend -Transferring it from FireRed or LeafGreen -Obtaining it from Mystery Gift -Obtaining it in either HeartGold or SoulSilver, and then trading it over.
Mystery Gift is an option developed in the second series of Pokemon. During that time Mystery gift could be used with other Pokemon games to obtain random items and such. Now Mystery Gift is used for NoA Events as the proccess to give out gifts. NoA Event = Nintendo of America Event This is currently the only known reason for Mystery Gift.
Mystery Gift is used to obtain items or Pokemon from events. In Japan, Darkrai was obtainable at its movie's premiere by using Mystery Gift. Though nothing has been released in America, hackers have found cheats to get Arceus, Darkrai, and Shaymin, which are all Pokemon unobtainable without cheats. So far. There may be a Nintendo event day or place to connect to Mystery Gift and obtain these rare Pokemon, but so far there is no possible way without an Action Replay. To get Mystery Gift, simply go to Jubilife City and enter the TV station. Go to the third floor and down to the bottom where there is a man and a woman standing. Talk to the man and enter this: Everyone Happy Wi-Fi Connection Hope this helped!
Unlike the former Pokemon games Mystery Gift is used for NoA Events only. NoA Event = Nintendo of America Event This is currently the only known reason for Mystery Gift.
You can only get a Mareep by using a Wonder Card which is used in Mystery Gift and with the Wireless Adapter that alters the Pokemon inside Altering Cave allowing you to catch a Mareep, Teddiursa, Houndour, Stantler, Pineco, and Zubat (Which is the only Pokemon you can catch without Mystery Gift.).