you dont need it just go up bell tower and ho-oh will already be there but you need the rainbow wing from pewter city and the ectruteak badge
The Bell Tower is in Ecrutek City (where you get Ho-oh)
No I don't think so
You dont All you need is the rainbow feather
There is no clear bell in Soul Silver. All you need to have to catch Ho Oh in Soul Silver is the Rainbow wing.Well, Actully there is No clear bell ion soul silver, however you can still catch Ho-oh in Bell Tower With only the Rainbow feather, so u don't need a clear bell-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ho-oh Is lvl 70 With Sacred Fire, Punishment, Ancient power, and mist or safegaurd i think.If your wondering were to get a Groudon, Beat RED his Pokemon are: Pikachu Lv88, Snorlax Lv 81, Lapras Lv 80 , Venusaur,Charizard,Blastios all Lv 84. Then Goto mr.Pokemon he'll give u the red orb. Then go to The safiri path, some guy will tell u about the embeld tower (were u get groudon) then find embled tower then there will be lvl 50 groudon with moves: Rest, Eruption, Earthquake, and ancient power
You can obtain Togepi from a man, after you defeat Falkner, go to the pokemart and a man gives in to you.
you dont need a second bell. p.s its called a tidal bell in soul silver
It is called the Tidal Bell. In my version, Pokémon Heart Gold, you receive the Clear Bell.
you dont get it. you just need a rainbow wing.
You get the Rainbow Wing from a person in Pewter City. You do not need the Clear Bell.
she gives you a bell thing that allows you to obtain jirachi
no todal bell found
In the game
The Soothe Bell is located in the National park.
you need to obtain the Rainbow Wing from a person in Pewter City. Once you have it, you can go to the top of the Bell Tower and Ho-Oh will be there
After you beat the eight gym leaders {and get all eight gym badges} see elm get m-ball then go to the dance studio in ecruteak city battle all 5 kimono girls they will give you the clear bell
The Bell Tower is in Ecrutek City (where you get Ho-oh)
You don't get the Clear Bell in SoulSilver. But you don't need it. You only need the Rainbow Wing to capture Ho-Oh in SoulSilver. You get the Rainbow Wing from a man in Pewter City.