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You dont All you need is the rainbow feather

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14y ago

To get the silver bell you must do a ton of things in the storyline. then the kimono girls will give it to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


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Q: Where do you get the silver bell in Pokemon Soul Silver?
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If you want to encounter Lugia, (this is for Heart Gold/ Soul Silver) is to get the Silver Wing & I think the the Tidal Bell. In Soul Silver, you will receive the Silver Wing from the director when you save Goldenrod City Radio Station from Team Rocket. In Heart Gold, when you make it to Pewter City, somewhere there is an old man and if you talk to him, he will give the Silver Wing. I'm sorry that I don't know where to get the Tidal Bell (its been awhile since I played Pokemon Soul Silver).

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Top right end of Ecruteak City. I hope that helps.

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no todal bell found

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In the game