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I forgot where, but you need to get the Rainbow wing, go to top of bell tower and SAVE before battle

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Q: What do you need to catch Ho-oh in Pokemon soul silver?
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How do you capture hooh in Pokemon Silver?

You need the rainbow wing.(Which is actually a feather.)

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you cant catch it you need someone to trade it or use a cheat

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to catch any of these u need either a gameshark or use other cheats.

Do you need the sliver wing to catch lugia on Pokemon silver?

Yes you do.

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you need the Aurora ticket.

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You need the Blue Orb.

Do you need the tidal bell to catch lugia on Pokemon heartgold?

you need a silver wing

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you cant you get it from Pokemon diamond or pearl to get it you need to catch every pokem and get the azure flute

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you can't sorry NEED HEARTGOLD

What do you need to catch lugia in Pokemon soul silver?

go to whirl islands

Where can you catch pokemon vulpix in pokemon gold version?

You'll need to trade for it from Pokemon Silver, or the older GBC games.

What is the name of the two things you need to get hooh in Pokemon heart gold?

the fog badge and the rainbow wing