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You can find one in the National Park.

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Q: Where do you find the Soothe Bell in Pokemon Soul Silver?
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Where can you get a smoohe bell in Pokemon soul silver?

The Soothe Bell is located in the National park.

Were do you find a soothe bell on Pokemon soul silver if you got rid of the other one?

you can not get a soothe bell agin sory

How do you evolve chansey in Pokemon soul silver?

Give it a soothe bell and grow it a couple lvls

How do you get sooth bell in Pokemon soul silver?

go to national park and towards the back u wil find a item that is the soothe bell

Where is soothe bell in soul silver?

it is in the national park inside the fences

Where to find soothe bell in SoulSilver?

To find the soothe bell in Soul silver look around the national park north of goldenrod city and soon you should find the Soothe Bell!

Is it possible to buy a soothe bell in soul silver?

No I don't think so

Where is the soothebell in Pokemon SoulSilver?

WHEn you get the dowsing machine go to the national park in soul silver and the soothe bell is behind the fence closest to the entrance to route 36.

How do you make your Pokemon happy in soul silver?

there are 2 ways how to: 1.Give it a soothe bell and walk with it ant keep talking to it 2. Keep leveling it up

How do you evolve golbat in soul silver?

Level it up with max happiness. You can give it a soothe bell, and train it.

What level does riolu evolve in soul silver?

it evolves with friendship you amateur, give it a soothe bell, that should help.

How will you know when Eevee is happy enough to evolve in Pokemon soul silver?

talk to your eevee if it gives you a hug it should evolve plus if you want to speed up this proccess use a soothe bell