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There is no clear bell in Soul Silver. All you need to have to catch Ho Oh in Soul Silver is the Rainbow wing.
Well, Actully there is No clear bell ion soul silver, however you can still catch Ho-oh in Bell Tower With only the Rainbow feather, so u don't need a clear bell


Ho-oh Is lvl 70 With Sacred Fire, Punishment, Ancient power, and mist or safegaurd i think.

If your wondering were to get a Groudon, Beat RED his Pokemon are: Pikachu Lv88, Snorlax Lv 81, Lapras Lv 80 , Venusaur,Charizard,Blastios all Lv 84. Then Goto mr.Pokemon he'll give u the red orb. Then go to The safiri path, some guy will tell u about the embeld tower (were u get groudon) then find embled tower then there will be lvl 50 groudon with moves: Rest, Eruption, Earthquake, and ancient power

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Q: Where is the clear bell in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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How do you get the clear bell in silver version of Pokemon?

You cannot find the Clear Bell in Pokémon SoulSilver. All that's needed to summon Ho-Oh at the Bell Tower in SoulSilver is the Rainbow Wing which a guy in Pewter City will give you.

How do you get the clear bell and rainbow wing in Pokemon soulsilver?

once you beaten brock you can find a old dude and he gives you the rainbow wing you wont need the clear bell

How do you get the clear bell in Pokemon SoulSilver?

After you get the Master Ball, go to the Dance Theater. You will find all five Kimono Girls waiting for you. They will challenge you to a battle against them. Win and you receive the Clear Bell or Tidal Bell.

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In heartgold and soulsilver you can get the CLEAR Bell after beating the komoto girls.

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In Ecruteak city. Trust me, YOU WONT MISS IT

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You find it in the national park or when trading with Janine (any Pokemon for her Steelix).

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u need 2 give it a sooth bell

What do you need to get Ho-oh in Pokemon SoulSilver?

A man in Pewter City will give you a Rainbow Wing. Take that and the Clear Bell to the Tin Tower, where you will be able to fight Ho-Oh.

How do you get the clear wing in Pokemon HeartGold?

there is no such thing, but there is a clear bell

Where is bell tower on pokemon soulsilver?

in the northern part of violet city across the bridges

How do you find chatot on Pokemon SoulSilver?

You can catch chatot at the burned sprout and bell towers.