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you go to route 224 in Pokemon diamond and oak will be there and u can catch shaymin!

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Q: Where do you go w with oaks letter?
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How do you get a Shamon on Pokemon Diamond?

yoy have to get oaks letter, then go to route 224 and go to the big rock and proffessor oak should be there yoy have to get oaks letter, then go to route 224 and go to the big rock and proffessor oak should be there yoy have to get oaks letter, then go to route 224 and go to the big rock and proffessor oak should be there yoy have to get oaks letter, then go to route 224 and go to the big rock and proffessor oak should be there

How do you get oaks letter on platinum?

go to a Nintendo event.

Where you get oaks letter?

from a event or a cheat but you have to go to a pokemart to get it in the game

How do you catch shymin in platnum?

i think you have to go to the top of route 224 and go to the big rock thing and use oaks letter but im not sure because i cant get oaks letter :(

Where to find shamin?

you need oaks letter and you need to go to a Nintendo event to get the letter

What to do to get oaks letter?

Cheat for it or go to an event. In the battle tower cheat:aaadfde112345555343

Where do you get oaks letter in platinum?

you use a action replay and use it to get oaks letter

How do you get oaks letter?

you need to go to a Nintendo event or get a action reaplay

Where to get oaks letter in plaitnim?

get the oaks letter cheat on the action replay and talk to the guy in the pokemart

How do you get oaks letter on Pokemon platinum?

you have to go to full moon island and play the azure flute the kiss your frenid then get the five star in your case go and catch jiratchi then taik to oak then you should resve oaks letter

How do you get oaks letter withough wifi?

u can put a cheat on ur action replay for oaks letter

How do you get oaks letter for shaymin?

You need to go to a Nintendo event or if you are a hacker, use action replay.