NO WHERE! just tell 2 professer OAK and he'll just say sumthing like good job
The catch rate for the three legendary birds is 3 in all of the games, including Platinum.
you cant. You can only do that on platinum):
defeat all gyms,elite 4 and champion of that region to catch legendary pokemon
Moltres is a legendary pokemon all legendary pokemon are harder to capture.
What are you trying to ask?
The catch rate for the three legendary birds is 3 in all of the games, including Platinum.
Just catch them,you dummy!
NO you need action replay
you cant. You can only do that on platinum):
all 210 in platinum but you only have to see them
The three Legendary Birds: Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos are all obtainable within the same game of Pokémon Platinum. Once you have the National Dex, go to the Pal Park to see Professor Oak. Then when he leaves, go to his house in Eterna City. When you arrive, he willl tell you about the Legendary Birds, and how they've been spotted in Sinnoh. After that, check your marking map in your Pokétch. There should be 3 faces, representing Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. Every time you move to a different area, all 3 of the legendary birds will change areas as well. Use a good strategy to corner the legendaries. I would reccommend moving between two routes on your bicycle. Eventually, a legendary will travel right into your area, and you will be able to catch it. You can catch the legendary birds by walking over a area of tall grass. With luck, a legendary bird will appear.
Yes, to catch Giritina, Cresselia, and Mesprit. In Pokemon Platinum, you can catch Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno also. :)
no, all the legendary birds are in kano and all legendary dogs are well all over the place and latios is only in kanto (i think) and ho-oh is in the bell tower ( if you didn't know it was in soul silver to)
Yes. As a madder of fact you can catch ALOT of old Pokemon. You can catch them all after you get the Nat. Dex. Talk to Prof. Oak in Eterna city and he will tell you the 3 legendary birds (Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno) are roaming sinnoh. You can catch them there. And at sandgem town, Dawn's little sister will tell you about a random Pokemon on a random route. And you can migrate from GBA games. Hope that helped. :)
Buy SoulSilver, HeartGold, Black, and White. Without an AR or GS there isn't a whole lot you can do past that point. Or: Catch 'em all.
You need all your badges and have beat red zaptos is at the power plant by cerelon city,check
Without any cheats.....No. But in platinum you can catch all three once you beat the elite four. just talk to professer oak in the house on the very bottom of eterna city. hope it helped:)