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First: Head through Diglett's Cave (if you haven't already) and see the Aide in the 2 building down from the Route 2 exit for Diglett's Cave, he will give you HM05 (Flash).

You need to head North to Cerulean. When you left you will have seen a house where the Dig TM was stolen from (the Diglett house), when passing that you should have seen a small tree. Cut that and head East and follow the path. You will eventually come to the Rock Tunnel (you can get round without Flash, but Flash makes it easier). Head through then South to Lavender. From Lavender's Route 7 (the building before the gate to Saffron) you can get to Celadon, pick up the Drink from the mansion for the Saffron Guards. You can now either defeat Erika or take on the Rockets in the Gaming Corner. After the latter head back to Lavender complete the Tower with the new Silph Scope, and free Mr Fuji he will give you the Pokeflute which you need to continue with the game.

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Q: Where do you go after you beat lt surge in Pokemon fire red?
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