Beat Giovanni in celadon city's underground basement and he will drop it. Just pull the poster and the "secret" rocket hideout is availible.
to get the sliph scope you have to go to safron city to the team rocket warehouse and defeat the boss and he will drop the sliph scope and you have to pick it up (it is inside of a poke ball)
Go to the Silph Co. in celadon and get the sliph scope.
FLOOR 6,7,8,9
First you must clear the memorial cemetery in Lavender City. After you free Mr. Fuji he will give you a pokeflute. You can use it an infinite amount of times. It wakes up sleeping pokemon so there will be no need to buy awakening after you obtain it. By the way in order to clear the memorial cemetery you will need a sliph scope.
After you defeat Giovanni in Sliph Co. the President will give you the MASTER BALL.
to get the sliph scope you have to go to safron city to the team rocket warehouse and defeat the boss and he will drop the sliph scope and you have to pick it up (it is inside of a poke ball)
You have to get the Sliph Scope from the Sliph Co. Building after you beat Giovonnie
You can't first you have to get a sliph scope
do you have the sliph scope and did you defeat the rockets under the game place? if not try that and then he should be moved out of the way and sleeping.
The silph scope is not in silph co its in the game corner.
Defeat Giovanni in Celadon Game Corner and he will give you it.
you get after you beat giovanni in the celadon city game corner
Go to the Silph Co. in celadon and get the sliph scope.
You have to beat Giovanni in the Secret Basement beneath the Rocket Game Corner.
he is in the Pokemon tower you have to beat Giovanni in the arcade in ceadon city then you get the sliph scope to look a ghosts
you get it at Lavender Tower but it is not the real one. U have to get a sliph scope. U beat the rougue guy and u get it. That's how you get it
bike their from celedon city you need a pokeflute from lavendertown after you go to saffron city to get the sliph scope from beating Giovanni than their you go SON