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First you must clear the memorial cemetery in Lavender City. After you free Mr. Fuji he will give you a pokeflute. You can use it an infinite amount of times. It wakes up sleeping pokemon so there will be no need to buy awakening after you obtain it. By the way in order to clear the memorial cemetery you will need a sliph scope.

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Q: How do you get rid of sleeping Snorlax in Pokemon Blue?
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Use the pokeflute.

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You have to have access to lavender town and travel to the top of the ghost tower. There, defeat cubones mother and the team rocket guards on top. Then an old man will take you to his house. talk to him and he will give you a blue flute. approach snorlax and press A and the flute will wake him up. he does attack

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east of vermilion city, just under diglett cave (you need to get rid of it to advance to pewter, veridian, pallet and cinnibar)

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Tune in the radio on your pokegear and find the pokeflute channel talk to snorlax with that playing it will wake up make sure you catch it.

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Go east from Saffron or south from lavender until the place where snorlax is sleeping. Then travel further south from that spot (make sure to get rid of snorlax first) until you see a house. Enter and talk to the fisher there. Say you like fishing. he will give you the super rod.

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How do you get rid of the Snorlax in front of digletts cave?

stand in front of snorlax. bring up the pokemon radio and drag the circle thing all the way to the top. It will play Flute music and snorlax will wake up. you then can battle him and catch him if you want. Good Luck!

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Oh I know..................... Oh no wait I don't lol

How do you get rid of the Snorlax in front of diglets cave on Pokemon heart gold?

You have to fix the power plant then go to the radio tower in Kanto and talk to the old man. he will let you listen to more channels on your radio. then go to the snorlax and turn on your radio and tune it to the top middle and you will have a poke flute on. then exit with it still on and talk to snorlax. it will wake up and fight you. hope this helps.

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professor oak is in pallet town. 2 get there u hav 2 use the pokeflute to get rid of snorlax which is in front of diglett cave. u can go from there. Good Luck:)

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Use repel. You can buy one at the Pokemart (blue roof).

How do you get rid of Snorlax in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You go to Lavendar City, and in the poke radio tower. Talk to a man in brown clothing by the elevator, and he'll give you the Kanto Radio Stations.Then you go to Snorlax. Get on the radio stations, and go to the top of the circle and the poke flute music plays. Get out of the phone, and the music will keep playing. Click (Press A) on Snorlax, and he'll wake up! CATCH IT!