if you go to maville city, take the route up. There should be a house. if you win against all 4 people, you get to go inside. once inside, you get it by speaking to the mom.
how to get raqueza in littletown in Pokemon ruby version
You can't
You can't catch a sentret in Ruby version, but you can catch one in Emerald version.
your attack will raise by 3 every level, but it reduces your speed
Pokemon ruby's version IS Pokemon ruby.
About levels 70-75. It's best if you give it an EXP. share, rare candies, and a Macho Brace. The Elite Four has its pokemon at an average of level 50, so at level 100 it's too easy.
how to get raqueza in littletown in Pokemon ruby version
This legendary Pokemon can only be acquired on Ruby Version through trade from Sapphire Version or Emerald Version.
If you finish ruby get another version of pokemon.
No. Pokemon Ruby was only released for the Game Boy.
Pokemon Ruby Destiny is a hacked version of Pokemon Ruby for GBA that is kind of like Pokemon Red Rescue Team.
not possible
The Pokemon is chimecho