First,breed one Pokemon then exit the day care center go in again .=A man should be inside talk to him then he will give the breeding app.=
on the touch screen after you receive the app.
no only by breeding wobbufet
It makes the Pokemon you tap 'cry'.
get the Poke tech App Poke happyness
The Pokemon Diamond and Pearl series can be watched on the official Pokemon TV website or by watching them using the Pokemon TV app for iOS and Android. You can also download the Diamond and Pearl episodes legally through the Pokemon TV app, but only up to 3 episodes at a time.
If you put a male Pokemon and a female Pokemon in the Day Care in Solaceon Town, they will eventually have an egg. That is breeding in Pokemon Diamond+Pearl.
No, you cannot get Dialga via breeding in Pokémon Diamond.
In jubilife city.
on the touch screen after you receive the app.
no only by breeding wobbufet
you come with it!
By breeding Arcanine and Houndour.
It makes the Pokemon you tap 'cry'.
In Pokemon Diamond, the Pokemon called Phione is only obtainable by breeding the Pokemon called Manaphy. Manaphy must be obtained in another game, Pokemon Ranger, and then transferred into Pokemon Diamond.
you get it from a person in Solacean town.