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In fuschia city, in the safari zone. Go to the very end of the safari zone and your prize is Hm surf, which allows you to move across water.

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Q: Where do you get swim in Pokemon Red?
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How does lapras lean to swim in Pokemon fire red?

Teach it the move Surf using HM3.

Where is the Pokemon league in Pokemon Crystal?

It's in the same place as in Pokemon red, blue,yellow. You go to New bark Town swim in the water to the right of your town. Then you fight some trainers and find a cave. then your at the Pokemon league.

Where do you get swim Pokemon Red?

In fuschia city, in the safari zone. Go to the very end of the safari zone and your prize is Hm surf

Can ash swim in Pokemon Gold?

No, only Pokemon can.

What Pokémon can swim?

Any Pokemon that can learn Surf is able to swim, and this includes Pokemon that aren't water types.

What Pokemon can swim in a fast current in firered?

Sut there are no Pokemon that can swim in fast current. you can only surf in normal water.

Can you swim in Pokemon Yellow version?

You can not swim in any of the Pokemon games. You can Surf, however, in EVERY game.

How do you swim in Pokemon Diamond?

YOU can't swim but your Pokemon can. There is a Hm called surf. I'm not sure where you get it but you teach it to a water Pokemon and when you get near water push a and it will say,"The water is a a deep blue color... would you like to use surf?" And that's how you use and how your Pokemon can swim!

In Pokemon rangers shadow of almnia how do use mantyke swim field move?

Mantine is the Pokemon that uses the swim field move.

Where do you get swim in Pokemon LeafGreen?

YOu cannot swim!you must have Pokemon that knows surf and then go near water and go to menu and select Pokemon and then select Pokemon that knows surf and then you can go acroos sea.

How do you get to the rousort araa on Pokemon Diamond?

swim to it

Where do you get swim in Pokemon platinum?

You get swim from the eldest person in celestic town and then beat heartthrome gym