Sut there are no Pokemon that can swim in fast current. you can only surf in normal water.
*Articuno It's hidden in the Seafoam islands, which you can swim to west of Cinnabar.
YOU can't swim but your Pokemon can. There is a Hm called surf. I'm not sure where you get it but you teach it to a water Pokemon and when you get near water push a and it will say,"The water is a a deep blue color... would you like to use surf?" And that's how you use and how your Pokemon can swim!
go to the team rocket warehouse swim in the right then go down until you find a boy standing near a high rock put a lemonade in the high rock then the boy will give you the metal coat..........
First swim to the island in the far south west of the map and get the key from the burning mansion then u have to go to viridian and battle the gym leader there also. this last gym will be the team rocket leader as the gym leader.
There are a lot of episodes
*Articuno It's hidden in the Seafoam islands, which you can swim to west of Cinnabar.
=How fast does a squid swim?==they can swim really fast=
The Power Plant located south of Route 10. You need to walk all that way up and then swim right and the down.
It Is called surf and you need to go to fuchsia city and go in the safari zone. It will be in the secret house. Hope this helps :)
you have to go to :viridian city: and swim, but u have to have all the badges first, u swim left than up to the elite four other words known as indigo plateau
A penguin can swim as fast as a seal
Run and swim and change Pokemon as fast as you can, and be sure to the the time clocks along the way.
it can swim as fast as a jet
Dolphin swim fast so they can catch there prey
swim well
he can swim just as fast as any other penguin so not very fast then
If caught in a fast flowing river current you should swim parallel to the current and you should always go feet first so you know where you are going and your head does not crack open if you bump into anything