

Best Answer

You find or get it at Route 210.

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Q: Where do you get smoke ball Pokemon platinum?
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How do you get the platinum ball in Pokemon?

There isn't a platinum ball.

What is a smoke ball?

a smoke ball is a item that when a Pokemon holds it it allows escape from a wild Pokemon

Which Pokemon ball is best to catch a psychic Pokemon in platinum?

master ball

Where is another master ball in Pokemon Platinum?

there is no more masterballs in Pokemon platinum but not if you use cheats

In Pokemon platinum can you catch trainers Pokemon with a master ball?


How do you catch griatina in Pokemon platinum?

with a master ball or timer ball

Where do you get a smoke ball in Pokemon diamond?

U get smoke ball in route 210 or wild weezing.

How do you catch mesirit on Pokemon platinum?

with a master ball

Can you catch latios in Pokemon Platinum?

Master Ball.

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Master ball

Were do you find the dive ball in Pokemon platinum?

going to the Pokemon league on a sandbar

Where to find master balls in Pokemon Platinum?

you can not get a master ball in Pokemon platinum only the one professor Rowan gives you