Olivine city in Jhoto. A little girl in a house gives you 3 seals each day you come.
In order to get PokéBalls in "Pokémon HeartGold," you just have to go to the PokéMart and buy them from there.
After you deliver the Egg to Professor Elm, someone will give you Pokeballs after you leave town. After that, you can find them in any Poke mart (the buildings in town with the blue roofs).
First you have to have the seal case from solaceon town. Then you need to get some seals, you can buy some at Sunyshore city. Then you go to your PC, go to ball capsules, and apply the seals.
You can find them when you walk around, in the game, look fro PokeBalls on ground, and maybe there will be one inside!
After getting the seal case from healing the sick Miltank in MooMoo Farm, three seals can be acquired each day from a girl in Olivine City.
go to the pc
you throw pokeballs at them
In order to get PokéBalls in "Pokémon HeartGold," you just have to go to the PokéMart and buy them from there.
Okay, you make no sense. Apricorns make Pokeballs dumbo. You can't get Celebi in Heartgold.
you add them to your Pokemon by going to Pokemon and feed it to them they like them
You can receive three seals per day from a girl in Olivine City.
you must have action replay and you must use the code : pokeballs *990
After you deliver the Egg to Professor Elm, someone will give you Pokeballs after you leave town. After that, you can find them in any Poke mart (the buildings in town with the blue roofs).
Timer balls are pokeballs but are more effective the longer the battle has been going.
Yes :/ do you mean like potions, pokeballs and stuff in pokemarts. if yes....than yes
First you have to have the seal case from solaceon town. Then you need to get some seals, you can buy some at Sunyshore city. Then you go to your PC, go to ball capsules, and apply the seals.
No. In Pokemon Heartgold and soulsilver coming out in April 2010, Pokemon can be out of their pokeballs and follow you around.