You can find them when you walk around, in the game, look fro PokeBalls on ground, and maybe there will be one inside!
to get 999 rare caindies is to us the ar.
You can find rare candies in mountains and you can use th dowsing machine.Rare candies can level up Pokemon,but beware,the Pokemon wont be as strong as the level is. It will get a bit stronger but not as strong as you think...:(
you cant!you can only get 999 rare candyes! how do you get 999 rare candyes?
let me talk to my friend, he knows, I'll get back to you!
In the grass on Route 35. But it's really rare.
No.......just kidding! Of course it is, unless you hack to get rare candies
to get 999 rare caindies is to us the ar.
To get 999 rare candies in Pokemon Soulsilver and Pokemon HeartGold, you must use an action replay or clone from Emerald and migrate it.
Battle a lot, or use Rare Candies.
Things needed: Pokemon: Diamond Version or Pearl Pokemon: Heartgold or Soulsilver AR Cheat Master ( made by Cheat Master Inc. ) Things to do: Look up on Google AR codes for ultimate rare candies for Pokemon: Diamond Version or Pearl GET POKEMON YOU DONT WANT ON POKEMON: DIAMOND VERSION Let as many rare candies as you want be held by those unwanted Pokemon. GET UNWANTED POKEMON ON POKEMON: HEARTGOLD/SOULSILVER (AS MANY AS ON DIAMOND) Then trade all the Pokemon (The unwanted ones from Diamond and Heartgold/Soulsilver) and the ones who are now on Pokemon: Heartgold/Soulsiver, take of the rare candies and you have all of them! Tips: (Only one sorry :O) ) Works better on diamond to get Pokemon you don't want if you get Modifier Code (Don't know this one either) and use the modifier. Sites to find needed AR codes: and
You can find rare candies in mountains and you can use th dowsing machine.Rare candies can level up Pokemon,but beware,the Pokemon wont be as strong as the level is. It will get a bit stronger but not as strong as you think...:(
you cant!you can only get 999 rare candyes! how do you get 999 rare candyes?
let me talk to my friend, he knows, I'll get back to you!
you give rare candies to 99 pokemons and trade them to heart gold... time consuming? yes, but it should work unless it doesnt allow you to trade pokemon holding rare candies.
In the grass on Route 35. But it's really rare.
Most rare Pokemon are located in scattered area such as Suicune, Riakou, and Entei, but if you are looking for Ho-oh and Lugia they are located in distinct areas pertaining to your version of the game (HeartGold and SoulSilver).
Give it rare candies, walk with it. Talk to it. Use of it makes it friendlier.