you cant only in Pokemon pearl,diamond and platinum
You obtain Flash Cannon after defeating the 7th Gym Leader, Byron in Canalave City.
Many like Bastiodon.
You cannot. Flash Cannon was not introduced until Generation IV, and Fire Red is a Generation III game...and a Generation I game.
HM 05 is flash
you cant only in Pokemon pearl,diamond and platinum
Many like Bastiodon.
You obtain Flash Cannon after defeating the 7th Gym Leader, Byron in Canalave City.
there's no TM for hydro cannon. u have to get national dex and tutor it.
You cannot. Flash Cannon was not introduced until Generation IV, and Fire Red is a Generation III game...and a Generation I game.
You cannot get Flash Cannon in Sapphire, it was a new move made for Diamond, Pearl and above. It wasn't made when Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Leaf Green or Fire Red came out.
HM 05 is flash
No...You have to have the TM for any Pokemon to learn it...
You get it in the Granite Cave in Dewford Town.
By Level:Ferroseed L52Ferrothorn L61By TM91:RoggenrolaBoldoreGigalithSigilyphSolosisDuosionReuniclusVaniliteVanillishVanilluxeFerroseedFerrothornKlinkKlangKlinklangEeletrikEelektrossCryogonalDruddigonGolurkDurantHyddreigonCobalionThundurusZekromKyuremGenesect
TM91 can be found in twist mountain