You obtain Flash Cannon after defeating the 7th Gym Leader, Byron in Canalave City.
TM91 can be found in twist mountain
Empoleon is a dual water/steel type Pokémon who appeared first in the fourth generation of Pokémon games. It evolves from Prinplup starting at level 36 which in turn evolves from Piplup at level 16. It can learn a wide range of moves, however it can never learn the move â??Flash Cannonâ?? by simply leveling up, but rather by using TM91 on it.
Kingdra's Moves Level Move Learned Type Power Acc% Class 1 Bubble 20 100% 1 Leer -- 100% 1 Smokescreen -- 100% 1 Water Gun 40 100% 1 Yawn -- -- 4 Smokescreen -- 100% 8 Leer -- 100% 11 Water Gun 40 100% 14 Focus Energy -- -- 18 Bubblebeam 65 100% 23 Agility -- -- 26 Twister 40 100% 30 Brine 65 100% 40 Hydro Pump 120 80% 48 Dragon Dance -- -- 57 Dragon Pulse 90 100% TM/HM Moves Type Power Acc% Class TM03 Water Pulse 60 100% TM06 Toxic -- 85% TM07 Hail -- -- TM10 Hidden Power varies 100% TM13 Ice Beam 95 100% TM14 Blizzard 120 70% TM15 Hyper Beam 150 90% TM17 Protect -- -- TM18 Rain Dance -- -- TM21 Frustration varies 100% TM27 Return varies 100% TM32 Double Team -- -- TM42 Facade 70 100% TM43 Secret Power 70 100% TM44 Rest -- -- TM45 Attract -- 100% TM55 Brine 65 100% TM58 Endure -- -- TM59 Dragon Pulse 90 100% TM68 Giga Impact 150 90% TM78 Captivate -- 100% TM82 Sleep Talk -- -- TM83 Natural Gift varies 100% TM87 Swagger -- 90% TM90 Substitute -- -- TM91 Flash Cannon 80 100% HM03 Surf 95 100% HM07 Waterfall 80 100% Move Tutor Moves Type Power Acc% Class TUTOR Draco Meteor 140 90% TUTOR Pt: Bounce 85 85% TUTOR Pt: Dive 80 100% TUTOR Pt: Icy Wind 55 95% TUTOR Pt: Iron Head 80 100% TUTOR Pt: Outrage 120 100% TUTOR Pt: Signal Beam 75 100% TUTOR Pt: Snore 40 100% TUTOR Pt: Swift 60 -- TUTOR Pt: Twister 40 100% Previous Evo Moves Type Power Acc% Class EGG Aurora Beam learned by Horsea 65 100% EGG Disable learned by Horsea -- 80% EGG Dragon Rage learned by Horsea varies 100% EGG Dragonbreath learned by Horsea 60 100% EGG Flail learned by Horsea varies 100% EGG Octazooka learned by Horsea 65 85% EGG Splash learned by Horsea -- -- Other Moves from 3rd Gen Type Power Acc% Class TUTOR Body Slam Move Tutor in E, FRLG 85 100% TUTOR Double-edge Move Tutor in E, FRLG 120 100% TUTOR Mimic Move Tutor in E, FRLG -- -- thats all of 'em
TM01 - Focus Punch Type: Fighting PP: 20 Power: 150 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: Attacks after turn is over. Flinches if hit even if the user has Inner Focus as its ability. Location: Oreburgh Gate TM02 - Dragon Claw Type: Dragon PP: 15 Power: 80 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: A standard attack. Location: Mt. Coronet TM03 - Water Pulse Type: Water PP: 20 Power: 60 Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: 10% chance of confusion. Location: Deserted Escape Path TM04 - Calm Mind Type: Psychic PP: 20 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: Raises Special Attack and Special Defense one stage. Location: Exchange at Fight Area with 48 Battle Points TM05 - Roar Type: Normal PP: 20 Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 Category: Other Information: Forces trainer to switch Pokemon. It can also can be used to flee from wild Pokemon. Location: Route 213 TM06 - Toxic Type: Poison PP: 10 Power: N/A Accuracy: 85 Category: Other Information: Poisons the foe. Poison gets stronger as turns progress. Location: Exchange at Fight Area with 32 Battle Points TM07 - Hail Type: Ice PP: 10 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: Hail starts. Hurts all non-Ice-typed Pokemon. Location: Route 217 TM08 - Bulk Up Type: Fighting PP: 20 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: Raises Attack and Defense one stage. Location: Exchange at Fight Area with 48 Battle Points TM09 - Bullet Seed Type: Grass PP: 30 Power: 10 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: Hits the foe 2-5 times per turn. Location: Route 204 TM10 - Hidden Power Type: The type depends on the stats, but is considered Normal PP: 15 Power: The power depends on the users stats Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: Type and power depends on the Pokemon. Location: Jubilife City -- Defeat the school kids at the school 2nd Location: Exchange at Game Arcade with 6000 Coins TM11 - Sunny Day Type: Fire PP: 5 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: This boosts fire-type moves for 5 turns. Only 1 turn required for Solarbeam instead of two. Location: Route 212 TM12 - Taunt Type: Normal PP: 20 Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 Category: Other Information: Taunts foe into using only attack-based moves. Location: Route 211 TM13 - Ice Beam Type: Ice PP: 10 Power: 95 Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: 10% chance of becoming frozen. Location: Route 216 2nd Location: Exchange at Game Arcade with 10000 coins TM14 - Blizzard Type: Ice PP: 5 Power: 120 Accuracy: 70 Category: Special Information: 10% chance of becoming frozen. Location: Buy at Veilstone Department Store with 5500 cash TM15 - Hyper Beam Type: Normal PP: 5 Power: 150 Accuracy: 90 Category: Special Information: Hits hard with a strong beam. Cannot attack second turn. Location: Buy at Veilstone Department Store with 7500 cash TM16 - Light Screen Type: Psychic PP: 30 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: Lowers special attack damage for 5 turns. Location: Buy at Veilstone Department Store with 2000 cash TM17 - Protect Type: Normal PP: 10 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: Prevents being attacked for that turn. It may fail if used continuously. Location: Buy at Veilstone Department Store with 2000 cash TM18 - Rain Dance Type: Water PP: 5 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: This boosts water-type moves for 5 turns. Thunder cannot miss. Location: Route 213 TM19 - Giga Drain Type: Grass PP: 10 Power: 60 Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: Half of the inflicted damaged is restored to user's HP. Location: Route 209 TM20 - Safeguard Type: Normal PP: 25 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: Prevents all status problems for the entire party. Location: Buy at Veilstone Department Store with 2000 cash TM21 - Frustration Type: Normal PP: 20 Power: The power varies Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: The power is stronger the more the Pokemon hates you. Location: Team Galaxy Warehouse TM22 - Solarbeam Type: Grass PP: 10 Power: 120 Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: Charges up the first turn and strikes the second. Location: Buy at Veilstone Department Store with 3000 (Money) TM23 - Iron Tail Type: Steel PP: 15 Power: 100 Accuracy: 75 Category: Physical Information: This may lower the foe's defense (10% chance). Location: Iron Island TM24 - Thunderbolt Type: Electric PP: 15 Power: 95 Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: 10% chance of becoming paralyzed. Location: Above the Power Plant (Use Surf to get it). 2nd Location: Exchange at Game Arcade with 10000 coins TM25 - Thunder Type: Electric PP: 10 Power: 120 Accuracy: 70 Category: Special Information: 10% chance of becoming paralyzed. Location: Buy at Veilstone Department Store with 5500 coins TM26 - Earthquake Type: Ground PP: 10 Power: 100 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: If foe is using Dig, damage is doubled. Location: Wayward Cave (Secret Entrance) 2nd Location: Exchange at Fight Area with 64 Battle Points TM27 - Return Type: Normal PP: 20 Power: The power varies Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: The power is stronger the more the Pokemon likes you. Location: Lost Tower 2nd Location: Exchange at Game Arcade with 8000 coins TM28 - Dig Type: Ground PP: 10 Power: 80 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: Digs underground the first turn and attacks the second turn. Location: Route 214 TM29 - Psychic Type: Psychic PP: 10 Power: 90 Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: May lower the foe's Special Defense (10% chance). Location: Round 211 2nd Location: Exchange at Game Arcade with 10000 coins TM30 - Shadow Ball Type: Ghost PP: 15 Power: 80 Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: This may lower the foe's Special Defense (20% chance). Location: Route 210 2nd Location: Exchange at Fight Area with 64 Battle Points TM31 - Brick Break Type: Fighting PP: 15 Power: 75 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: Destroys Reflect and Light Screen. Location: Exchange at Fight Area with 40 Battle Points TM32 - Double Team Type: Normal PP: 15 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: Increases evasiveness Location: Exchange at Game Arcade with 4000 coins TM33 - Reflect Type: Psychic PP: 20 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: This lowers attack damage. Location: Buy at Veilstone Department Store with 2000 cash TM34 - Shock Wave Type: Electric PP: 20 Power: 60 Accuracy: N/A Category: Special Information: Never misses. Location: Route 215 TM35 - Flamethrower Type: Fire PP: 15 Power: 95 Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: 10% chance of becoming burned. Location: Exchange at Game Arcade with 10000 coins TM36 - Sludge Bomb Type: Poison PP: 10 Power: 90 Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: 30% chance of becoming poisoned. Location: Team Galaxy Warehouse 2nd Location: Exchange at Fight Area with 64 Battle Points TM37 - Sandstorm Type: Rock PP: 10 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: A sandstorm starts. Hurts all Pokemon except Ground, Rock, and Steel Pokemon. Cacnea and Cacturne are also immune to it. Location: Route 228 TM38 - Fire Blast Type: Fire PP: 5 Power: 120 Accuracy: 85 Category: Special Information: 10% chance of becoming burned. Location: Lake Verity 2nd Location: Buy at Veilstone Department Store with 5500 cash TM39 - Rock Tomb Type: Rock PP: 10 Power: 50 Accuracy: 80 Category: Physical Information: Will lower the foe's Speed. Location: Deserted Escape Path TM40 - Aerial Ace Type: Flying PP: 20 Power: 60 Accuracy: N/A Category: Physical Information: Never misses. Location: Route 213 2nd Location: Exchange at Fight Area with 40 Battle Points TM41 - Torment Type: Dark PP: 15 Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 Category: Other Information: Foe is unable to use the same move twice in a row. Location: Victory Road TM42 - Facade Type: Normal PP: 20 Power: 70 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: Doubles attack if Burned, Poison, Paralyzed. Location: Solaceon Town TM43 - Secret Power Type: Normal PP: 20 Power: 70 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: The effect of this move depends on the location. Location: Contact Square TM44 - Rest Type: Psychic PP: 10 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: The user becomes asleep. Lasts 2 turns. Location: Exchange at Game Arcade with 6000 coins TM45 - Attract Type: Normal PP: 15 Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 Category: Other Information: Makes the opposite gender less likely to attack. Location: Exchange at Fight Area with 32 Battle Points TM46 - Thief Type: Dark PP: 10 Power: 40 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: Has a chance of taking the foe's held item. Location: Eterna City TM47 - Steel Wing Type: Steel PP: 25 Power: 70 Accuracy: 90 Category: Physical Information: This may increase the user's Defense (10%). Location: Route 209 TM48 - Skill Swap Type: Psychic PP: 10 Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 Category: Other Information: Switches abilities with foe. Location: Canalave City (from a resident in the city) TM49 - Snatch Type: Dark PP: 10 Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 Category: Other Information: This steals the effects of the foe's next move. Location: Team Galaxy Warehouse TM50 - Overheat Type: Fire PP: 5 Power: 140 Accuracy: 90 Category: Special Information: This lowers the user's Special Attack. Location: Stark Mountain TM51 - Roost Type: Flying PP: 10 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: This restores half of Max HP. Location: Route 210 TM52 - Focus Blast Type: Fighting PP: 5 Power: 120 Accuracy: 70 Category: Special Information: This may lower the foe's Special Defense. Location: Buy at Veilstone Department Store with 5500 cash TM53 - Energy Ball Type: Grass PP: 10 Power: 80 Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: This may lower the foe's Special Defense. Location: Exchange at Fight Area with 64 Battle Points TM54 - False Swipe Type: Fighting PP: 40 Power: 40 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: Always leaves the foe with at least 1 HP. Location: Buy at Veilstone Department Store with 2000 cash TM55 - Brine Type: Water PP: 10 Power: 65 Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: Power is doubled if Pokemon's HP is less than half. Location: Pastoria Gym TM56 - Fling Type: Dark PP: 10 Power: The power depends on the attached item Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: This move hurls out the item the Pokemon is holding. The power of the move depends on the item. Location: Route 222 TM57 - Charge Beam Type: Electric PP: 10 Power: 50 Accuracy: 90 Category: Special Information: A high chance of raising the Pokemon's special attack. Location: Sunyshore Gym TM58 - Endure Type: Normal PP: 10 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: Always leaves the Pokemon with at least 1 HP. It may fail if used continuously. Location: Exchange at Game Arcade with 2000 coins TM59 - Dragon Pulse Type: Dragon PP: 10 Power: 90 Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: A standard attack. Location: Victory Road 2nd Location: Exchange at Fight Area with 64 Battle Points TM60 - Drain Punch Type: Fight PP: 5 Power: 60 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: Half of the inflicted damaged is restored to user's HP. Location: Veilstone Gym TM61 - Will-O-Wisp Type: Fire PP: 15 Power: N/A Accuracy: 75 Category: Other Information: Burns the foe. Location: Exchange at Fight Area with 32 Battle Points TM62 - Silver Wind Type: Bug PP: 5 Power: 60 Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: May raise abilities. Location: Route 212 TM63 - Embargo Type: Dark PP: 15 Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 Category: Other Information: Prevents foe from using held items. Location: Veilstone City TM64 - Explosion Type: Normal PP: 5 Power: 250 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: User faints and flips over enemy for massive damage. Location: Slot Game in Veilstone City TM65 - Shadow Claw Type: Dark PP: 15 Power: 70 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: Has a high chance of landing a critical hit. Location: Hearthome Gym TM66 - Payback Type: Dark PP: 10 Power: 50 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: Power is doubled if foe attacks first. Location: Route 215 TM67 - Recycle Type: Normal PP: 10 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: Recycles a used item for one more use. Location: Eterna Mansion TM68 - Giga Impact Type: Normal PP: 5 Power: 150 Accuracy: 90 Category: Physical Information: Hits with hard force. Cannot attack second turn. Location: Exchange at Game Arcade with 20000 coins TM69 - Rock Polish Type: Rock PP: 20 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: Raises Pokemon's Speed by two stages. Location: Mt. Coronet TM70 - Flash Type: Normal PP: 20 Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 Category: Other Information: Lowers the foe's accuracy. Location: Buy at Veilstone Department Store with 1000 cash TM71 - Stone Edge Type: Rock PP: 5 Power: 100 Accuracy: 80 Category: Physical Information: Has a high chance of landing a critical hit. Location: Exchange at Fight Area with 64 Battle Points TM72 - Avalanche Type: Ice PP: 10 Power: 60 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: Power is doubled if foe attacks first. Location: Snowpoint Gym TM73 - Thunder Wave Type: Electric PP: 20 Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 Category: Other Information: Paralyzes the foe. Location: Exchange at Fight Area with 32 Battle Points TM74 - Gyro Ball Type: Steel PP: 5 Power: The power varies Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: Power depends on the foe's speed. Location: Exchange at Game Arcade with 15000 coins TM75 - Swords Dance Type: Normal PP: 30 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: Raises Pokemon's attack by two stages. Location: Exchange at Game Arcade with 4000 coins TM76 - Stealth Rock Type: Rock PP: 20 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: Causes damage when opponent switches Pokemon. Location: Oreburgh Gym TM77 - Psych Up Type: Normal PP: 10 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: Copies the foe's effects and gives to the user. Location: Route 211 TM78 - Captivate Type: Normal PP: 20 Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 Category: Other Information: If the foe is the opposite gender of the user, then the foe's special attack will be lowered. Location: Victory Road TM79 - Dark Pulse Type: Dark PP: 15 Power: 80 Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: May cause flinching. Location: Victory Road TM80 - Rock Slide Type: Rock PP: 10 Power: 75 Accuracy: 90 Category: Physical Information: May cause flinching. Location: Mt. Coronet TM81 - X-Scissor Type: Bug PP: 15 Power: 80 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: A standard attack. Location: Exchange at Fight Area with 64 Battle Points TM82 - Sleep Talk Type: Normal PP: 10 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: Uses a random move in its own moveset while asleep. Location: Eterna Forest TM83 - Nature Gift Type: Normal PP: 15 Power: The power varies Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: The power of the move depends on the held berry. Location: Buy at Veilstone Department Store with 2000 cash TM84 - Poison Jab Type: Poison PP: 20 Power: 80 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: Foe may become poisoned. Location: Route 212 TM85 - Dream Eater Type: Psychic PP: 15 Power: 100 Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: Half of the inflicted damaged is restored to user's HP. This attack only works while the foe is asleep. Location: Lake Valor Side TM86 - Grass Knot Type: Grass PP: 20 Power: The power varies Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: Power depends on the foe's weight. Location: Eterna Gym TM87 - Swagger Type: Normal PP: 15 Power: N/A Accuracy: 90 Category: Other Information: Raises the foe's attack but also causes confusion Location: Pokemon Mansion TM88 - Pluck Type: Flying PP: 20 Power: 60 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: Power is doubled if the foe is holding a berry. Location: Floaroma Town TM89 - U-Turn Type: Bug PP: 20 Power: 70 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: User switches out automatically after attack. Location: Exchange at Game Arcade with 6000 coins TM90 - Substitute Type: Normal PP: 10 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: Creates a substitute using 1/4 of user's Max HP. Location: Forest Manor 2nd Location: Exchange at Game Arcade with 2000 coins TM91 - Flash Cannon Type: Steel PP: 10 Power: 80 Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: May lower the foe's Special Attack. Location: Canalave Gym TM92 - Trick Room Type: Psychic PP: 5 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: Slower Pokemon attack first for 5 turns. Location: Route 213 HM01 - Cut Type: Normal PP: 30 Power: 50 Accuracy: 95 Category: Physical Information: Outside of battle, this cuts plants in the way. In battle, it is just a standard attack. Location: Shirona in Eterna City HM02 - Fly Type: Flying PP: 15 Power: 90 Accuracy: 95 Category: Physical Information: Outside of battle, this will be your main way of transporting from one city to another quickly. In battle, flies in the sky the first turn and attacks the second turn. Location: Team Galaxy Warehouse HM03 - Surf Type: Water PP: 15 Power: 95 Accuracy: 100 Category: Special Information: Outside of battle, this will allow you to travel across water. In battle, it is just a standard attack. Location: Celestic Town Shrine HM04 - Strength Type: Normal PP: 15 Power: 80 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: Outside of battle, this will allow you to move boulders. In battle, it is just a standard attack. Location: Top Floor of the Lost Tower HM05 - Defog Type: Flying PP: 15 Power: N/A Accuracy: N/A Category: Other Information: Outside of battle, this will clear the fog in foggy areas. In battle, this will lower the foe's evasiveness. Location: Person in Safari Zone HM06 - Rock Smash Type: Fighting PP: 15 Power: 40 Accuracy: 100 Category: Other Information: Outside of battle, this will allow you to break rocks. In battle, this may lower the foe's Defense. Location: Hiker at Mt. Coronet Entrance HM07 - Waterfall Type: Water PP: 15 Power: 80 Accuracy: 100 Category: Physical Information: Outside of battle, this will allow you to climb waterfalls. In battle, it is just a standard attack. Location: Jasmine in Sunyshore City (On the shore) HM08 - Rock Climb Type: Normal PP: 20 Power: 90 Accuracy: 85 Category: Physical Information: Outside of battle, this will allow you to climb certain spots on mountains. In battle, this may inflict confusion upon the foe. Location: Route 217 (Behind a house)
By Level:Ferroseed L52Ferrothorn L61By TM91:RoggenrolaBoldoreGigalithSigilyphSolosisDuosionReuniclusVaniliteVanillishVanilluxeFerroseedFerrothornKlinkKlangKlinklangEeletrikEelektrossCryogonalDruddigonGolurkDurantHyddreigonCobalionThundurusZekromKyuremGenesect
TM91 can be found in twist mountain
TM91: Flash Cannon (or you can take a Heart Scale to the man in Pastoria City to get it re-learned) TM23: Iron Tail
In an ally in Castellia City while you running a man screams,"Oh I lost my glasses," and something then he gives you the TM flash.
seeing as empoleon is part steel you might want to teach it a steel type move such as steel wing TM47 or flash cannon TM91. i taught mine steel wing but flash cannon seems better because it has 100% accuracy and 90 power while steel wing has 90% accuracy and 70 power.
Empoleon is a dual water/steel type Pokémon who appeared first in the fourth generation of Pokémon games. It evolves from Prinplup starting at level 36 which in turn evolves from Piplup at level 16. It can learn a wide range of moves, however it can never learn the move â??Flash Cannonâ?? by simply leveling up, but rather by using TM91 on it.
Gym Battle 6 Bryon Canalave City Gym Leader Pokemon type - Steel Recommended Types - Fire and Water Canalave City Gym has four floor, but it's no straight-up climb. You'll need to take lifts up and down in order to navigate between the twisting walls until you finally reach Byron on the 4th FL. You will be hampered by seven Tariners scatered throughout the floors. When you finally reach byron, be prepared for a steel-type barrage that is easily countered with fire-, water-, ground- and fighting-type moves. For all your hard work, Byron will bestow upon you the Mine Badge and TM91, Flash Cannon! Party Pokemon of Byrons- Bronzor - Gender: Unknown - Level 36 - Type: Steel and Phychic. Steelix - Gender: Male - Level 36 - Type: Steel and Ground Bastidon - Gender: Male - Level 39 - Type: Rock and Steel.
The sixth badge is the Canalave gym. You need to know surf to get there. Go to Jubilife City and then go west (left). You'll see a route with water there. Surf across and then go west. After that you'll be in Canalave. Go north to the Pokemon center and heal. Save if you want to because when you cross the bridge your rival will battle you. After that heal again and then go to the gym. Use the elevator thingys to get to Byron, the gym leader. He uses steel types so a fire type like infernape would do good. Also fighting and ground. His first Pokemon is a bronzor (level 36) which is steel and psychic. Use fire to make it faint. He also has a steelix (level 36). You can also use water for this battle. His final Pokemon his a Bastiodon level 39. It is rock and steel type so using a fighting type will do quadruple damage. After you win you'll get the mine badge and TM91 flashcannon.
Ok, I have a stratagy book and this is all the writing on the page(s) about the battle agenst Bryon (5th gym leader) and Canalve City if needed.Page 160 -Canalave CityIf you ever decided that it was a sailors life for you, then canalve City is the place to be. This exotic por town is home to numerous boats, a anal that splits the city in two, and the useful Canalave Library.Obtainable items -On your first visit - TM48 Skill SwapAfter winningCanalve City gym Battle - Mine Badge, TM91 Flash CannonPokemart (Merchant on the left) - Air Mail - $50, Qick Ball - $1,000, Timer Ball - $1,000, Repeat Ball - $1,000.(Bootom Right of picture of Canalave City) - Route 218 (To Jubilife City)(Middle Right) - Pokemart, Move Deleters House.(Top Right) Pokecenter, Harbor Inn.(Middle line) - River(Top Left) - Canalve Library(Middle Left) - Canalve City Gym(Bottom Left) - Sailor Eldrich's house, Harbor (To Iron Island/Fullmoon Island)WingullWater-FlyingAbilities :Keen EyeOn Water - Tentacool, Wingull, Tentacrule, Pelipper.Fishing - Old Rod - MagikarpGood Rod - Magikarp, Finneon.FinneoWaterAbilities :Swift Swim, Strom Draink, I can't be stuffed to write it all out, so just get a heap of water Pokemon and train em up to level 40-45 and battle him.
Ice-types might be cool, but having THREE of them in one team is a recipe for DISASTER! Plus your Yanmega, it means that with a swift, strong Fire/Fighting type like INFERNAPE, your team will lose four of its members (very quickly). Of your three Ice-types, you should keep Weavile and junk the others. Switch in your starter (for starters, why isn't your starter already there? lol) and maybe a strong Electric, Dragon or Ghost. Other than that u can also use whatever legendary your version has (Diamond-Dialga, Pearl-Palkia, Platinum-Giratina). Try this: * Held: Depending on opponent, you can switch between the Fist Plate and Flame Plate. * Flare Blitz (Lv. 57) /Fire Blast (TM38, Veilstone Department Store, $5500) * Close Combat (Lv. 41) * Flamethrower (TM35, Fuego Ironworks, Surf from Valley Windworks) * Brick Break (TM31, Oreburgh Gateway, Basement Level, Surf Required. * Flash Cannon (TM91, Defeat Byron, Canalave Gym) * Surf (HM05, Elder of Celestic Town) * Ice Beam (TM13, Route 217, Needs Rock Climb) * Drill Peck (Lv. 52) * Earthquake (Lv. 32) * Crunch (Lv. 45) * Synthesis (Lv. 39)/Leech Seed (Lv. 32/33) * Wood Hammer (Base Level, Visit Move Relearner)/Seed Bomb (Breed/Tutor, Survival Area)
After you beat the 5th gym leader (Crasher Wake) he will grant you the power to use Surf outside of battle. Fly to Jublife City and exit towards the left. Surf left ways along the water you find until you reach Canalave City. (I recommend repels) In this city you have the Steel-type using gym leader Bryon. Use a good Fire-type.
Kingdra's Moves Level Move Learned Type Power Acc% Class 1 Bubble 20 100% 1 Leer -- 100% 1 Smokescreen -- 100% 1 Water Gun 40 100% 1 Yawn -- -- 4 Smokescreen -- 100% 8 Leer -- 100% 11 Water Gun 40 100% 14 Focus Energy -- -- 18 Bubblebeam 65 100% 23 Agility -- -- 26 Twister 40 100% 30 Brine 65 100% 40 Hydro Pump 120 80% 48 Dragon Dance -- -- 57 Dragon Pulse 90 100% TM/HM Moves Type Power Acc% Class TM03 Water Pulse 60 100% TM06 Toxic -- 85% TM07 Hail -- -- TM10 Hidden Power varies 100% TM13 Ice Beam 95 100% TM14 Blizzard 120 70% TM15 Hyper Beam 150 90% TM17 Protect -- -- TM18 Rain Dance -- -- TM21 Frustration varies 100% TM27 Return varies 100% TM32 Double Team -- -- TM42 Facade 70 100% TM43 Secret Power 70 100% TM44 Rest -- -- TM45 Attract -- 100% TM55 Brine 65 100% TM58 Endure -- -- TM59 Dragon Pulse 90 100% TM68 Giga Impact 150 90% TM78 Captivate -- 100% TM82 Sleep Talk -- -- TM83 Natural Gift varies 100% TM87 Swagger -- 90% TM90 Substitute -- -- TM91 Flash Cannon 80 100% HM03 Surf 95 100% HM07 Waterfall 80 100% Move Tutor Moves Type Power Acc% Class TUTOR Draco Meteor 140 90% TUTOR Pt: Bounce 85 85% TUTOR Pt: Dive 80 100% TUTOR Pt: Icy Wind 55 95% TUTOR Pt: Iron Head 80 100% TUTOR Pt: Outrage 120 100% TUTOR Pt: Signal Beam 75 100% TUTOR Pt: Snore 40 100% TUTOR Pt: Swift 60 -- TUTOR Pt: Twister 40 100% Previous Evo Moves Type Power Acc% Class EGG Aurora Beam learned by Horsea 65 100% EGG Disable learned by Horsea -- 80% EGG Dragon Rage learned by Horsea varies 100% EGG Dragonbreath learned by Horsea 60 100% EGG Flail learned by Horsea varies 100% EGG Octazooka learned by Horsea 65 85% EGG Splash learned by Horsea -- -- Other Moves from 3rd Gen Type Power Acc% Class TUTOR Body Slam Move Tutor in E, FRLG 85 100% TUTOR Double-edge Move Tutor in E, FRLG 120 100% TUTOR Mimic Move Tutor in E, FRLG -- -- thats all of 'em