Well since it is a WIZARD robe you might want to look in warlic's shops
in necropolis
The reapers hideout can be found after you die. # Die (in-game) # Click the hourglass by his "feet" or bottom of his robe really # Your in his world now BEWARE!
No, there is no such possibility on the game. The unic Dark Jedi that gives you something is Sion, a dark jedi master robe. You can just find Nihilus's robes if you use a cheat.
Yes. The oasis robe shop, boot shop, and hat shop sell crowns gear.
You Do the Hisssis Infinate Spawn Glitch to level 43-46 and then do Fassas Narshada side quest. Save right before you collect his reward and you will either get Darth Malaks Armor or Jolees robe. I have Also gotten Thons robe from there aswell
in necropolis
The flaming sword is behind thr wizard in the purple robe in chapter IV - A Wizard's robe and tools.
The reapers hideout can be found after you die. # Die (in-game) # Click the hourglass by his "feet" or bottom of his robe really # Your in his world now BEWARE!
pretend you are harry potter
tuxedo pants + academy sweater + wizard hat= wizard robe
You can get it on the grand exchange And if it is a wizard robe you mean you can kill wizards south of Draynor And if you mean blue robe try the costume shop in varrok Good luck
a wizard hat pointy, a robe dress, a wand, and a mustage
does this help? Wizard's Apprentice Robe: Academy Sweater, Tuxedo Pants, Wizard Hat Sorry, not to rain on your parade it gives you patch work pants. :(
Well, first you need to put on your robe and wizard hat.
ya cant get the mask and he/she used dark jedi master robe
there is no amulet. there is a robe but you have to have crowns to buy it and it comes in a set.