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No, there is no such possibility on the game. The unic Dark Jedi that gives you something is Sion, a dark jedi master robe. You can just find Nihilus's robes if you use a cheat.

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Q: Can you find Darth nihilus robe in kotor 2?
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When Darth nihilus's body disappears where do you get his stuff?

wrom his remains about 75% chance to get something (dark jedi master robe or lightsabre crystall)

Star wars kotor 2 how do you get the nihilus robe and mask?

You cant... you can pick his mask up from his body after you've killed him if you wish. however you can't wear it... it just gives you some more experiance.

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find it in loot, spawn it or use a file editor to get spawn the robe

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You Do the Hisssis Infinate Spawn Glitch to level 43-46 and then do Fassas Narshada side quest. Save right before you collect his reward and you will either get Darth Malaks Armor or Jolees robe. I have Also gotten Thons robe from there aswell

Can you find Darth malak robe in kotor 2?

If you go to the meditation room it will be on the left. at the second locker . you will have a joice between Darth Revan, Darth Malak, Darth Traya (girls only),& Darth Nhilius. once you do that when you go to fight Kriea at the end pick " So this is how you die by your apprentice". Then you will see your self as the new Sith lord. ( this is for XBOX ONLY!!!!!!) * also you get the full costume* but where is this meditation room ive playeed the game 10 times over like where is it and i can be guy or girl for revan malak and nhilius?

Can you get Revans mask and robe in KOTOR 2 for the Xbox?

ya cant get the mask and he/she used dark jedi master robe

Where can you find the book 'The Robe'?

I believe you can find the book "The Robe in any christian book store.

Where can you find a inuyasha robe and neckles?

look on e-bay for robe and trade me for neckless

Where to buy or find a blue robe top in runescape?

buy the mage robe in ge

What is a compound word starting with robe?

Sorry! I couldn't find any that start with robe, but did find one that ends with it:-wardrobeSorry!

Where can I find the robe carrie wears on king of Queens?

You can find it on Amazon

Does obi-wan kenobi die?

Yes, but he didn't really die. If you watch the 4th movie (A New Hope) carefully, you'll see that his robe is empty (Vader steps on it). This is because, rather than letting himself be killed by Vader, Obi-Wan surrendered himself to the Force and vanished, a bit like how Yoda vanished when he died in the 6th movie (Return of the Jedi). That's also how Kenobi was able to reappear as a Force spirit throughout the movies.